Fridays WOD and congrats to Autumn, our October Member of the - TopicsExpress


Fridays WOD and congrats to Autumn, our October Member of the Month! :) Name: Autumn Thompson Age: 44 Hometown: Hendersonville, NC What do you do for a profession outside of CrossFit? Kindergarten Teacher Assistant How long have you been a member of CrossFit HVL? I started not long after the gym opened but didn’t become serious (4-6 days a week) until last October. How did you get involved in CrossFit? Some friends wanted to try it and the first class was free! I don’t think I could walk for two days after it. Tell us about your sports and fitness background? I was not an athlete growing up. I started running in my 30s. I lost about 60 lbs. and started lifting weights. Then I had our daughter and had to start all over with weight loss. Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? I remember my first WOD had thrusters and I thought I was going to die. But I was hooked! What is your favorite / least favorite WOD/movement? My least favorite movement is HSPU. I’m not good at being upside down. My favorite movements are anything with heavy weights. What is your strongest attribute or favorite workout? I know I’m crazy to say this but I love benchmark WODs. I like to see if I can improve my time. When did you realize that CrossFit was right for you? At the very first WOD. I love going all out just to see how far I can push myself. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CrossFit (before/after)? I ran and weight lifted before I started CF but found it very hard to motivate myself to lift heavier. I have become more confident in my ability as I learn how to lift correctly. Now I feel guilty if I don’t go! What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? I’ve learned to become more patient with myself and not take everything so serious. What is your favorite healthy food & “cheat” food? I’ve been trying different paleo recipes. Spaghetti squash is my favorite lately. I also have a chocolate problem. They should just make it a food group. What is something that we don’t know about you? (Interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc) I guess an interesting fact is I have run two marathons. Both at the happiest place on earth Also, I use to race motorcycles. There’s nothing like dragging your knee on the concrete to get your adrenaline going. Do you have any advice for people just getting started at CrossFit HVL? If you are just starting my advice is to don’t be afraid to try it. Shelley & Heather are the best coaches I have been around. They will modify any WOD to fit your comfort level and ability. You will love the Crossfit HVL community. I work out with some great people who encourage and push me!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:58:29 +0000

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