Fridays tip of the day. You reap what you sew. ..... what are - TopicsExpress


Fridays tip of the day. You reap what you sew. ..... what are you planting now to reap later? Everything you do matters. If you choose to sit home even one day it matters. The key to growing is being consistent. You cant plant seeds one week and then take off two weeks at a time. If you do I guarantee your business will not grow! This is the biggest mistake made and is the main reason people are not succeeding! Its time to put the excuses away and get real with yourself! So now that your ready, lets talk about how we get that consistency! Its called prioritizing! Wiping out those things on your schedule that dont need to be there. For instance that hour of Dr. Phil or sleeping in on Saturday. Go through your every day routine and figure out where you can make time to grow your business! You have to be intentional! Write out a your weekly schedule. Include all the time you are going to set aside to grow your It Works Business. See what things you can remove or compromise on and work your business instead! When you start working your business on purpose every single day consistently. ... prepare to see it grow! Just as much as you need to add in time to grow your business you also need to remove things that your doing that are not income producing. At the end of every day you should take 10 minutes to observe what you did to build and what ended up not being productive. That way you can make it a point to try something else. You know the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over but expecting different result? Well this saying also goes with things your doing in your business. For instance if for three days in a row you worked your business through Facebook and nothing grew in your business, you may want to do something different! If its not creating the 3 Rs... Retention, Recognition, Or Revenue. ...then stop doing it and and try something that will! When its all said and done the best thing you can do for your business is Blitz, Wrap, and of course. ..Repeat! Do that on a daily basis consistently without making excuses and the sky is the limit! Happy Friday and have an amazing weekend!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 05:01:16 +0000

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