Friends - In the Western Civilized World our Nation is founded on - TopicsExpress


Friends - In the Western Civilized World our Nation is founded on Rules and Laws. And we use Law Enforcement to enforce these Rules and Laws. We as a Nation ask our Local and National Law Enforcement to protect us on a daily basis. We entrust in them to keep bad people out of our homes and keep us safe. We seek the assistance of these brave souls to do a job that many of us are to afraid to do. Over the past several weeks these men & woman who put their lives on the line 24/7 for our safety, now see their own lives in jeopardy because of those who do not follow the same Rules and Laws set forth by Local, State and Federal Governments. It simply does not matter if you are Republican or Democrat, because those who wish to create an environment of Hate, Racial Divide, and Violence are Anarchists who wish to cause as much harm to those of us who follow the Rules and Laws of this Great Nation, and those who enforce them ! Any loss of life is sad and tragic. And any loss of life taken from us too soon at the hands of bad people is barbaric. But when life is lost, while still sad, but at the fault of that individual you simply cannot justify or defend the actions and violence we have witnessed over the last several weeks. Across the Nation we have seen many Elected Officials and Advocates promote the violence and insight the masses to break the very Laws they enacted to protect us from Harm. These leaders from NYC to California are they very people who use Law Enforcement as Security Details. The hypocrisy is daunting and it is leading us to a very dangerous path that this Nation is not ready for. Leaders across this Country have failed those who protect us. It is the moral responsibility and job of these leaders to heel, unite and bring this Nation together during difficult times. Not to divide and create more Violence. Many people ask for us to have a national conversation, but how can anyone hold a conversation with those who vandalize, set fires, murder people, attack Law Enforcement, and stop those who are simply trying to get home or go to work, or even to the hospital? The answer is you cannot! You cannot until order is restored by our Nations leaders or by our Law Enforcement. For the past 12 years the FealGood Foundation has been proud to assist not only Firefighters and Construction workers who were effected by 9/11/01 and its aftermath, but also Law Enforcement who make up most of the clientele that we have assisted. The FGF is proud to stand with the NYPD, the PBA, those active & retired and anyone who is in harms way of those who wish to cause more violence and create more havoc for this great Nation and our great city of New York. We have seen rallies across this Nation denouncing and attacking those who keep us safe at night, but the FealGood Foundation is imploring those in Blue, those in Red and those in White to come out and support our Nations & Cities Finest! Our leaders failed us, but we together can put an end to the Violence and together we can restore what the 99% want. A safe and peaceful environment were everyone follows the Rules and Laws of this great Nation and City.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 23:13:49 +0000

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