Friends. For those of you who are following Judys fight against - TopicsExpress


Friends. For those of you who are following Judys fight against colorectal cancer, I will just say this: Do everything you can to avoid contracting colorectal cancer. It is dreadfully painful. GET THOSE COLONOSTOPHIES! DO NOT PUT OFF GETTING REGULAR CHECKUPS!! As for Judy, the week has been pain filled and her stamina/energy level is decreased significantly from earlier. The good news is that she has been able to eat several times a day(bird bites and amounts) and does not have nausea, just pain. Judy drinks about a gallon of distilled water a day. We only use distilled water now at our house for drinking/ingestion. I bought her a new juicer, but we still havent used it. She is drinking a nutrient packed organic drink several times a day. She has been up and around albeit for only short/short periods of time. She enjoys visiting with people so if youre driving by, please call ahead an hour or so to give us a heads-up, but DO stop by. She has been pretty much been maintaining her weight at 144-146. We think we may have found an herbal pain med that gives her a measure of relief. Our daughter has been helping out with shopping, food preparation and gobs of moral support, but Judy, for the most part, prepares her own food as well as partially prepares food for me. She goes outside on a daily basis and walks a bit or takes things to or from the kennel building. I try to makes sure she doesnt have to bend any more than necessary or lift heavy stuff. Home health comes in 3 times a week to generally check on her progress, monitor and record vitals and flush her port on a regular basis since she is no longer using the port for infusions. So thats where we stand. Blessings to everyone, Don..
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:17:48 +0000

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