Friends, I am planning another fundraiser for this coming Feb. - TopicsExpress


Friends, I am planning another fundraiser for this coming Feb. 7th. The proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to aid the families who are quarantined in Sierra Leone, due to the Ebola outbreak. We will be selling our spa-worthy natural bath and beauty products. I would also like to auction off products and services like we did in 2013. Im hoping that those of you who have your own business or connections will join us in this fundraiser and offer to auction off your products or services (nails/manicures, haircuts, cakes, etc.) Please join us in spreading the word, and sharing Gods love this February. Thank you in advance! The Light of the World Ministry is a small non-profit organization founded in Utah 7 years ago. They have gained the respect of the people and government of Sierra Leone. When the Ebola outbreak struck, they did not leave like other organizations, instead they stepped up to the plate and havent stopped their arduous work yet. They dont spend money on expensive advertising, so please help spread the word and fund their heroic work. Excerpt from The Light of the World Ministry newsletter: Millions of dollars have flowed from world governments including the U.S. into western Africa these past six months. It is true that many efforts have been funded, but many, many news articles now report that a great deal of money has never made its way to its intended purpose. There are lots of reasons for this - graft or corruption is only one, and probably not a major reason. The reality is that many humanitarian aid organizations have large overhead expenses and utilize teams of people who are not volunteers. In fact, most organizations utilize people who aren’t even indigenous to the country. Another issue is that often there are many layers of administration and cross-administration between organizations, each of which take a ‘cut’ as the funds flow down the chain. A final issue is that without local “boots on the ground” it is impossible to exercise cost control over the expenditures and purchases of goods and services. None of the above problems exist in TLOWM. We are independent, and no one in our U.S. administration and management team receives any compensation. Every single penny we receive goes into the work of the ministry. Now the good news is that God has moved in a very positive way in the hearts of some of you who are able to assist financially. Last month (and this is the kind of information you won’t read in most charity newsletters!) we received a $10,000 contribution from one donor, and we have received a few $1,000 donations. Of the initial $75,000 budget we projected for getting up and running and taking care of the first 250 families in quarantine in Sierra Leone, we have received approximately $16,000. We have also received a few pledges for ongoing monthly support of Ebola quarantine victims, and these will help us enormously. Still, as this newsletter goes to publication, there is a current and immediate need for roughly $60,000. Beyond that initial requirement, W.H.O., the U.N., Doctors Without Borders, etc., all believe it will be necessary to continue to provide quarantine aid in Sierra Leone for at least the next six months. Our projection for providing the care that will be required in the two regions assigned to us, Port Loko and Moyamba, for that period of time is close to $250,000. I do not know how God will meet that need. The Board of Directors and I originally envisioned challenging ten individuals and corporations of means to donate $8,000 each, to meet the first-phase budget goal. We are actively contacting major foundations and emergency aid funding groups and asking for assistance. It is my experience, however, gleaned from over 40 years in the ministry, that it will not be foundations and corporations, but people like you and me, that God will use. Some of you have the capability of being a major donor without endangering your financial security; many of you who have not yet contributed could become regular monthly contributors. There are others of you who have contacts with foundations or organizations that would have great sympathy with and commitment to the relief work in which we are engaged in Sierra Leone. If the Lord speaks to you and suggests that you contribute, I urge you not to ignore that leading of the Spirit. Go to our website and click on the “Donate” button - you and we will be glad you did. I say I do not know how God will meet our need. But this I do know - He will! It is He Who led us to this ministry in Sierra Leone. He opened the door and gave us this opportunity to be uniquely His hands and feet in what is officially documented as the poorest nation in the world. With that vision of providence in mind I ask you to join me and all of us at TLOWM in celebrating the true reasons for Thanksgiving this Thursday. As the Body of Christ let us join in thanking God for His daily providence in our lives. Let us thank Him for our freedoms, our safety, our church congregations, our friends and family. Most of all, let’s thank God for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. I thank God for each of you. Rev. Vaughn Milliron
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:56:28 +0000

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