Friends, I am teaching a class on relationships this Oct/November - TopicsExpress


Friends, I am teaching a class on relationships this Oct/November It is a to singles or is the Wednesday evenings of Oct.16,23 & Nov.6: below is the description and details: Ray Bergen WHEN THE ROAD GETS ROUGH A Relationship Class with Ray Bergen Ph.D. At any given moment half the couples we know are in some version of struggle. This is because relationships progress through seven year cycles. A vibrant relationship will create some kind of “issue” midway through each cycle that can carry us to the brink of reassessing our commitment. In this class we will explore how feeling challenged in relationship is actually a sign of success, not of failure. Nor is it a sign of character defects. Learning the tools to interpret, then resolve, these challenges ushers in the next deeper layer of loving that has been calling to us. Participants will be comforted to learn that, despite each relationship’s uniqueness, we follow an amazingly similar path. This class will explore: · 1st class: Walking on Egg shells Breakdowns inevitably emerge when we reach the limit of our capacity to negotiate conflict. These standoffs create a cyclical pattern where withdrawing precedes angry eruptions followed by more walking on egg shells. It is critically important to understand the forces that are controlling this drama. · 2nd class: Oh, what a Web we Weave These dramatic episodes are driven by internal characters that we choose to unleash, both constructive and unsavory. As we identify our characters, of whom Warrior, Hero, Lover, Beggar, Wanderer and Sulker, are but a few, we increase our power to affect resolution. · 3rd class: Rules for the Road There are different guidelines men and women can embrace in order to resolve the emotional potholes created by that “something is missing” feeling that drives most of our dramas. We can then more consistently arrive at “Happily Ever After,” which is a very real place and not at all how our minds picture it. Through private sessions, workshops, and his CDs, Ray Bergen has been guiding couples on their path for over thirty years. Besides drawing from his years of teaching others, Ray speaks from his own experience of completing the fourth seven year cycle in his relationship. The class is open to couples or singles interested in exploring the core relationship drama in which we all participate. The class consists of 3 sessions from 7pm to 9pm on the Wednesday evenings of Oct. 16, 23 & Nov. 6. Cost is $60 per individual or $100 for two. The location is at 319 Lotus Lane on the Powder Mill property, where also my office is located.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:27:21 +0000

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