Friends, I have to share my heart with you this because this is a - TopicsExpress


Friends, I have to share my heart with you this because this is a great burden on my heart when I see this all over Facebook: There is no where in the Bible where Yahuwah (God the Father) has commanded us or instructed His church, His Bride to return to our so called Hebrew roots or only go by a certian name. NO WHERE. This is a untruth from the Hebrew root and Name movements who insist, that we not only do we return to our so-called Hebrew roots, but we are also to go by a certain name or title, while rejecting His other names, meaning you can only call out to your Saviour and Creator by a certian correct name like Yahuah or Yahuwah, ect. while rejecting the Name of Jesus and Christ and titles like God and Lord. This is complete and utter foolishness. First of all, He goes by many names and titles. To deny even one would be foolish. Those who are teaching this and embracing this wicked and bitter doctrine are destroying the faiths of so many and by doing this, it is becoming a disease and sickness with in the body of Christ who focus more on the letter of His Names, rather then the HEART of His Names. Let us stop following and listening to these Modern Day, Hebrew Movement Pharisees on the Sabbath who insist on a certain name or title. :-( Instead He is calling us to REPENT, to be broken, to turn from our wicked ways and come back to Him so He may gather calling on His Name, whether it be Yahushua, Yahuwah, Yahuah, God, Jesus Christ, Abba Father, ect. and to FEAR HIM AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to forsake these Holidays to embrace His Holy Days and Sabbaths. He goes by MANY Names and titles. He is more concern that you do not break the 3rd commandment by talking His Name if vain by making sure you do not use ANY of His Names to call upon false gods. Using the Name of Jesus (However you may spell it, J or no J) to call on Yahushua Yahuwah Yahuah Yahweh is NOT calling upon a false God, IF you are calling upon the one true God and Creator of Heaven and Earth. It is utter foolishness to say when we call upon the Name of Jesus,Our Creator, we are calling upon the name of a false god. God knows, (yes, I said God), the hearts of those who know Him and call upon His Name as long as they are not using any of His names to call upon false gods. Who am I that I would be so arrogant and so boastful about denying even a one of His names and titles, like Jesus, Christ and God? People what has happened to us?? Where our are hearts? Have we no fear of God in our hearts??? WHERE IS THE FEAR OF YAHUAH AMONG US when we deny the Name of Jesus Christ? God, yes God, is not only calling us to come out to be separate from the churches, but also from the synagogues and all these Hebrew Roots movements who are bringing destructive name heresies upon themselves and holding it over the heads of the ignorant. It truly makes me sad when I see this all over Facebook. :-( He wants us to forsake all these false doctrines, commandments of men and vain teachings to return to Him and to Him alone so He may gather. Join me in repenting of these teachings and lets sit at the feet of our Saviour and let HIM ALONE teach us in spirit, grace and humility by embracing ALL His Names and titles.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:21:38 +0000

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