Friends, I just happened to click on a youtube video of the - TopicsExpress


Friends, I just happened to click on a youtube video of the recent triple-suicide bomb explosions that happened few weeks ago at the Kano Central Mosque in Kano, Nigeria. More than 100 confirmed dead and many injured. Mind you, these are just innocent people that went for their Friday prayers @ the mosque. Watching this video makes my whole body cringed knowing that these are the streets I spent my childhood while growing up back in Nigeria. While the whole world will be watching and with less than 45days to the 2015 Presidential election, Nigerians must brace-up and be prayerful. The future somewhat looks bleak but Im certain, these are our trying times and i can only hope that these are the birth-pangs that will bring about the new Nigeria of our dreams. Like, Ive stated severally, Few Men Can honestly Change A Nation but the mindset of the few men must be changed first and they must have the audacity and courage to dream big and do the needful. As a novice in the Nigerian politics, and to the best of my understanding, it seems this is the very first time in Nigerias history that two broad base political parties will slug it out for the Presidential election and truth is, your guess is as good as mine. Im somewhat hopeful, but with slightest doubt as no African leaders ever gives up power easily. But, one thing I do know for sure, and most of you will attest to this, Nigerians, most especially our generation , are gradually waking up from their slumber and their massive awakening and desire for change is a tsunami that no one can stop. Gradually, theyre now speaking up and most importantly, theyre now making sure their votes counts. Gradually, theyre now condemning politicians that lack empathy and lack of idealism. Those politicians that are stuck with current status quo, politics of yesteryears; politics of false hope, false change, greed, wickedness and gimmicks. Politicians that are completely out-of-touch with the reality on the ground with the common folks, politicians that have turned deaf ears to the plight of my generation for change and a new Nigeria of our dreams . Below is the excerpt from my letter of proposal in 2011 -Generation Hope, A New Nigeria is honestly possible (The Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security and Homeland Development in Nigeria that will emulate that of the United States of America). The current situation in Nigeria is too dangerous for silence. If you and the rest of the world leaders are not worried about Nigeria this is the time to do so. Slowly, Nigeria is slipping into anarchy and sectarian war and very soon my generation back in Nigeria will not be bother about the basics that they’ve always cried for such as constant stable electricity, supply of clean drinking water, or roads, but their lives in peril. The greed of the Nigerian politicians is finally signaling the death-knell of my generation. As of recent, explosions are going off left and right and suicide bombings are now becoming the norm in Nigeria. Just four years ago, this will be unheard of, unthinkable and unimaginable. Nigerians were once adjudged as the happiest people on earth. That we love life so much that we can endure so much pain and yet be happy: is an understatement. This is no longer the case. Nigerians have suddenly become unNigeria. People for whatever consideration be it religion, politics, social struggle are no longer pretending to be smiling anymore or value their lives that they cannot sacrifice same for a cause.The issue at hand back in Nigeria can never be divorced from poverty and exploitation of religion. Boko-Haram, a terrorist organization in Nigeria that has been linked to be a stepping stone by the Al-Qaeda’s into Nigeria has claimed responsibilities to various attacks around the country. This further confirms what I already know that poverty has made the larger majority to suddenly be over religious. The rich and the Nigerian politicians keep looting at an unimaginable manner, that one will suggest they visit a psychiatrist for mental analysis. I just can’t fathom why someone will steal money he will not use or does not need-insanity you will say. Nigerians now steal and loot in billions of US dollars just for the fun of it. I remember vividly, growing up in Nigeria, acquisition of wealth was a sure protection against insecurity, but this is no longer the case. Poverty and wide scale corruption has now resulted to fear, because whether we like it or not, the oppressed, the exploited, the gullible, the uneducated, poverty ridden and persons of no hope are now reacting violently. Everybody is scared and terrified. The victims of terrorism cut across all religious creed and social strata. With my honest opinion, and with all due respect, the first step to solution to these uncommon trends is for the Nigerian leaders and all Nigerians to look inward. There must be a restoration of family values such as honesty, love, being our brothers keepers, creation of jobs and employment opportunities, provision of constant stable of electricity, supply of clean drinking water, roads, food and we all must relate to one another as humans. We must all take steps to fight poverty and hardship at all level from our immediate family level, neighborhoods and society at large. Greed, wickedness, selfishness, injustice in whatever form, and oppression must be condemned, especially at the highest level of authority. Most importantly, Nigerians should be allowed to voice out against anything wrong. It has been stated severally that “for evil to thrive in the land, good people only need to keep mute”. Friends, most of you will recall that on this platform, for the last five(5) years or thereabout, Ive shared my honest personal views and opinions about the extreme poverty and hopelessness situation back in Nigeria, and also, how Ive travelled from the United States of America back to Nigeria numerous times within the last four years to try and share the plight of my generation to my uncle and some of the leaders of the ruling political party, PDP with no avail. Like I stated earlier this year, I dont have any regrets for standing up on behalf of my generation and trying to reach out to the political leaders. And trust me when I say this, i was never naive. I do remember vividly and now, it dawned on me when President Barack Obama once said,the hardest thing in politics is changing the status quo..., and, Change will NEVER happen when we wait for other people or another time..., change happens when people push for it to happen and when its time for change to happen, guess what, change happens... ...and in the face of impossible odds people who love their country can change it Dear Nigerians (Generation Hope) and friends of Nigeria. it is time for real change to happen in Nigeria. For real change to happen, we must not let the politicians divide us. It is time we all look beyond our tribal, ethnic and religious differences and put emphasis on those things that bring us all together. From North to South, East to West, from the boundaries of remote villages in Osun State to the remote villages in Cross River State, Nigerian youth face the same problem of deprivation in the midst of extra plenty. It is the same story of despair all around the nation, from what we have all seen around us, we are compelled to conclude that there’s no way forward. I come as a youth to you, in the name of Generation Hope to remind the Nigerian youth that it is not over yet. It is time for us to arise in one voice bond together in unity and promote the gospel of being our brother’s keeper. It is time to erase the handwriting of disunity which our so called leaders over the years have inscribed in us. All over the world, beginning from the United States of America, the wind of change is blowing and we do not want to be left behind. I urge you all to move with tide as time will not wait for us. As faith would have it, In the next few days, I will be heading back to Nigeria and this time around, myself, Vocal Slender, Mr. Joseph and some of the other college graduates featured in the BBC Documentary titled Welcome to Lagos will be meeting with the Executive Governor of my Home State, Osun State, Gov. Rauf Aregbesola, Senator representing my constituency, Senator Babajide Oworare, the APC Presidential candidate , General Muhammed Buhari, and Senator Bukola Saraki. #GenerationHope #TheDreamIsValid #FewMenCanChangeANation. #TheyBuiltAmerica #WeCanRebuildNigeriaToo #HopeIsAlwaysTheBetterChoice
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 07:05:49 +0000

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