Friends, If you spend more time on the internet slagging your - TopicsExpress


Friends, If you spend more time on the internet slagging your fellow American taxpayers for their political affiliations, (calling them ‘Libtards’ or ‘Neo-Cons’, ‘Wing-nuts’ or ‘Dims’) than you do paying attention to what the crooks in Washington DC are actively doing with your tax dollars, you are screwing the pooch. If you go down to the polls every few years and automatically throw the switch for anybody/everybody with your favorite capital consonant after their name (D or R) than you do paying attention to what each of the candidates stand for, believe in, (or are willing to do to make this nation better), you are screwing the pooch. If you pledge allegiance to the thoroughly-spin-doctored talking points of one or the other political Parties, and if you pledge allegiance to what the mainstream news outlets TELL YOU you should pledge allegiance to, more than you pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, then you are SERIOUSLY screwing the pooch. Wake up, people. Please keep your eye on the ball. We are all Americans first, and partisan-political-pissing-contest COMBATANTS a very distant second. An all-powerful, spend-happy, tax-inebriated federal government is running this nation into a state of crippling debt, fiscal insolvency, moral-bankruptsy, open-bordered weakness, and a state of military defenselessness. United we can stand up to tyranny and corruption. Divided, we will ALL fall. Stop screwing the pooch. Drop this antagonistic, left-versus-right nonsensical bullshit, and join hands with your fellow concerned Americans. The government was elected to serve us, the American people. Not the other way around. Don’t play into their hands. Stop attacking each other, please. Let us all vote ALL of these crooks out of office. (The crooks from BOTH Parties.)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:11:04 +0000

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