Friends, Now that the bifurcation discussion has concluded in - TopicsExpress


Friends, Now that the bifurcation discussion has concluded in assembly... the focus shifts to Delhi now. It seems the bill sent to assembly is draft where the intentions of divding the state , revenue by region, financial details, power generation, consumption, irrigation, industry details etc etc are not mentioned. We donno how the bill in the present form can be passed in next 20 days in parliament. The principal opposition party in the parliament becomes a lot crucial to pass the bill in parliament. Since the bill got rejected in state assembly, the President of India can refer to the supreme court for legal consultations. What ever may be the case the parliaament is supreme, hence the principal opposition party role becomes crucial here. To me this issue of separate state of Telangana is more of a cultural identity and Self respect issue rather than related to development. Though language is common the Literature/slangs/cultures/festivities are different between Seemandhra and Telangana regions. The people of Telangana want self respect and have their say in the region. They want people from Telangana region to be in more government posts. Hence let each of these regions preserve their cultural identity, self respect and progress in aspects of development. Also instead of Hyd, let other areas/regions also develop industrially and this is more possible with bifurcation… but bifurcation should be done with written commitments and justice on both sides and an exclusive fund for development of both regions. Do we want only one city to have 2 crore population by 2035-40 or so. Instead how about having 6-7 cities…..with 10-25-30 lakh population i.e., Vizag, Vijaywada, Tirupati, Kurnool, Nellore, Guntur… apart from Hyderabad. Still after bifurcation we will have 5 crore people in seemamdhra and 3 crore in Telangana. Hyderabad will anyway develop because of the excellent infrastructure it has…… may be the pace will be some what slow as it has to compete with neighbouring state and most of the enterprenual class is from Seemandhra region. But with a good chief minister it can progress rapidly as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyd IT exports are around 63000 crores as of today (40% of states exports) and Pharma exports are 30000+ crores and these were possible due to efforts of few Seemandhra people…as well. 900 bank branches in Hyd, 40+ PSUs, 40+ central govt institues/labs/reserach centres, central university, Aero Spare parts servicing, International airport, Biotech park.....Future ITIR turnover from Hyd to be 2,50,000 crores by 2038.... 2700 hospitals...100s of hotels..... and a lot more things.........contributed to heavy revenue surplus (12000 crores) in Hyd. Also 175 engg.. colleges, renowned private institues like BITS….. medical colleges, central colleges/universities,… all of these were possible as Hyd was capital........If Kurnool would remained as capital it would have been like Hyd... Keeping all this in mind............ **** ALL OF THE BELOW RELATED TO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, WATER & IRRIGATION, REVENUE SHARING, PENSIONS & NEW CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT & HYDERABAD SHOULD BE PASSED IN PARLIAMENT AND SIGNED BY PRIME MINISTER, CONGRESS PRESIDENT, BJP PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT OF INDIA AND REGIONAL PARTIES IN AP. THEN ONLY IT WILL BE LEGAL AND CAN BE FOUGHT IN COURTS IF ANY VIOLATIONS. ONLY IF MAJORITY (ATLEAST MAIN THINGS) OF THE BELOW ARE APPROVED AND PASSED IN PARLIAMENT THEN ONLY PROCEED WITH BIFURCATION. ALSO THE FUNDS SHOULD BE ALLOCATED VIA A SPECIAL NODAL AGENCY EXCLUSIVELY MEANT FOR THIS (INSTEAD OF PROVIDING VIA FIVE YEAR PLANS). THE FUND EXCLUSIVELY GRANTED FOR THIS SHOULD BE 5 LAKH CRORES FOR A PERIOD OF 10 YEARS. THIS SHOULD BE WRITTEN AND LEGAL. PLANNING COMISSION SHOULD GIVE APPROVALS NOW ITSELF WHEN PASSING IN THE PARALIAMENT FOR ALL OF THESE. BEST OPTION IS TO START DOING THESE DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITES NOW ITSELF AND HENCE PEOPLE OF SEEMANDRA WILL HAVE THE CONFIDENCE. TAKE 2-3 YEARS .. SO THAT WHEN ATLEAST FEW OF THESE STARTS… PEOPLE WILL HAVE CONFIDENCE THAT BIFURCATION IS NOT BAD THING. AFTER 2-3 YEARS THE BIFURCATION CAN BE DONE. DOING BIFURCATION IN AN ELECTION YEAR IS ONLY FOR POLITICAL GAINS. WE DON’T KNOW WHICH GOVT COMES TO POWER IN 2014 AND WHAT THEIR PRIORITIES ARE. MAIN THINGS : Immmediate Important ones are ITIRs, Pharma Clusters, Industrial Corridors, Polavaram project, Irrigation projects in krishna basin meant for rayalseema, package for Rayalseema and north coastal andhra, IIT, IIM, IIIT, ISER, AIIMS/NIIMS type hospitals, help from centre on Revenue deficit of 7000 crores. These should be addressed in the bill in paraliament and get financial and written commitments. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO SEEMANDRA REGION (13 DISTRICTS, 175 MLAS, 5 CRORE POPULATION, 25 MPs): ============================================================================================================================================================================ Seemandhra has second largest coast line (970km) in India after Gujarat and second largest mining resources and top oil resources with top class human resources and excellent enterprenual and risk tasking business class. Within a span of 10-15 years it can become No.1 in India with the help of an visionary and economic development oriented chief minister and help from Central Govt. It has all the resources but inadequate infrastructure to become a thriving state. GMR’s, GVK’s, IVRCL’s, APOLLO, GLOBAL, DR.REDDY’S, KIMS, INFOTECH’s and lots whose managements are from seemandhra region will certainly be willing to develop that region. All it requires is assistance from central govt and a good development oriented and visionary chief minister. DETAILS ON WHAT SEEMANDHRA NEEDS: ======================================= INFRASTRUCTURE, INDUSTRY and DEVELOPMENT: ==================================================== THERE SHOULD BE THREE INDUSTRIAL CORRDIORS TO EXPLOIT THE NATURAL RESOURCES, HUMAN RESOURCES AND VAST COAST LINE OF 970 KMS in SEEMANDHRA REGION AND IN MANUFACTIURING INDUSTRIES. ==================================================================================================================================================================================== 1)INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR BETWEEN VIZAG AND CHENNAI.. TO EXPLOIT THE 970 KM COAST LINE 2)INDUSTRIAL CORRDIOR BETWEEN HYDERABAD AND BANGALORE... exploiting two world class international airports.. in 500 kms distance.. and to upbring the drought hit and under-developed areas of anantapur, kurnool and kadapa districts. This is very important to Rayalseema region. 3)ALREADY AN INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED BETWEEN CHENNAI AND BANGALORE... via chittoor dist. THERE SHOULD BE 3 ITIRS (IT Investment regions) ==================================================== 1)TIRUPATI 2)VIZAG 3)ANANTAPUR-KURNOOL THERE SHOULD BE 3 PHARMA/BIOTECH HUBS =================================================== 1)VIZAG 2)KURNOOL-ANANTAPUR 3)NELLORE-ONGOLE PETROCHEM HUB ======================= KAKINADA ALLIED AGRICULTURE SECTORS: ==================================== HORTICUTURE, DAIRY, AQUA CUTLURE, POULTY, FOOD PROCESSING ZONES SHOULD BE SETUP IN VARIOUS REGIONS MINES: ========= HUGE AMOUNT OF MINING RESOURCES AVAILABLE SHOULD BE USED FOR SETTING UP FOR INDUSTRIES LOCALLY. STEEL PLANT IN KADAPA MINING INSTITUTES IN KADAPA & ONGOLE TEXTILE HUBS: ================== IN VIZAG & DHARMAVARAM(ANANTAPUR) DESALINATION PLANTS ======================== 3-4 ACROSS THE COAST.. so that salty sea water can be used for drinking, and other purposes. TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS HUB =========================== WHERE EVER AIRPORTS and SEA PORTS ARE… Details & Others: ===================== 1)Industrial corridor from Vizag to Chennai should be announced officially.. rather than mentioning as feasibility. 2)ITIRs proposals around Tirupati, Vizag and Anantapur should be announced officially and works should start. 3)Steel Plan setup should be announced in Kadapa officially 4)Announce a knowledge & industrial corridor between Hyd and Blore so that backward regions of Mahabubnagar, Kurnool and Anantapur will develop. There are 2 international airports (Hyd and Blore) in a distance of 500 kms... so areas in between can be developed. 5)Immediately announce upgrading tirupati, vizag and vijaywada to international airports. 6)Work on Manufacturing hub announced by center in Chittoor dist should start...i.e., on chennai-blore industrial corridor.. (Similar hub was also announced in Medak in Telangana and Ongole in Andhra) 7)Announce Vijaywada-Guntur or Ongole as capital region. This region would be the centre geographically. 8)Instead of setting up universities, institutes under five year plans issue a seperate GO to set up, provide funds and a committe to track it. 9)Announce commencement of work for BHEL-NTPC plant in Nellore Dist (Mannavaram). Long time back it was announced but no movement at all. 10)Announce a new railway zone in Vijaywada or Vizag. 11)Announce the setting up of super speciality hospitals. Upgrade SVIMS in Tirupati and Govt Hospital in Vizag and Vijaywada to super speciality -- NIMS type 12)Announce setting up of food processing zones with cold storage units, horticulture zones, floriculture, dairy and poultry zones in various regions of Rayalseema and Andhra. These allied agriculture sectors will be if great help of the farmers who depend on only cultivation of rice, pulses, ground nuts etc... 13)Marine corporation should be set up in andhra and marine hubs should be encouraged along 970 km coast line from Srikakulam district to Nellore District. 14)Cyclone Management institute and disaster prevention centres should be setup as region is prone to more cyclone. 15)Approve the report prepared by parliament committee that 50% of gas produced in KG-Basin should be used in Seemandhra region. 16)Pharma/Biotech parks should be set up in Vizag, Kurnool-Anantapur, Nellore-Ongole regions. 17) Work on Petrochem corridor and refinery setup near kakinada should start immediately. 18)Textile Hubs in Dharmavaram in Anantapur and Vizag and also Textile clusters across Industrial corrirdors. 19)Invite all educational institutes.. national and international to setup their institutes. 20)3-4 Desalination plants across the coast on lines of plant in Chennai.. (refuting the major claim made by a regional party leader that salty water across the coast will not be useful) 21)Transport/logistics hub around airports and sea ports. 22)The central govt institutes/labs/research centres and state govt institutes/corporations that are in Hyderabad should be setup in Seemandhra region. 23)Revamp law so that the some money that comes to TTD, Tirupati will be used for overall development of seemandhra rather than putting that money in bank deposits. 24) IIM, ISB, IISER, IIT, NIT should be announced immediately. *** There should be a nodal agency to track all of the above and funds should be provided by central govt.. There is no way a revenue deficit govt can do all of the above things. All of the above requires huge scales of investments by govt and private sector. WATER & IRRRIGATION ======================== 1)Polavaram project should be made compulsory. Announce that all environment and other clearances will be given now itself and have the water ministry from centre will track the project. Announce rehabilation and compensation as well. This project built on Godavari is very much required to reduce dependency on Krishna water by Krishna, Guntur districts. Then Krishna water can be completely utilized for 4 districts of rayalseema, nellore, ongole, nalgonda, mahabubnagar and drinking water to chennai. Around 5000 TMC of Godavari water every year goes into Ocean... so make use of that water with polavaram project. 2) There should be no more new projects on krishna Basin as it is completely utilized. Rayalseema interests on Krishna water should be given extreme importance. If not there will be chaos there. All pending projects on Krishna basin should be completed. 3) Modifications should be made to brijesh kumar tribunal ... like not increasing almatti height.. If not, a Kharif season is lost in Krishna Belt (75 lakh acres)... and few projects (30,000 crores... 25 lakh acres) will become useless. 4)Every village and town should have a drinking water reservoir… so that it caters to the local drinking water needs. *** ON a long term basis Ganga, Cauvery, Krishna, Godavari rivers should be integrated.. This will yield tremendous benefits for whole of country. REVENUE SHARING & PENSION ================================= 1)The revenue surplus from Telangana (4000 crores) should be given to Andhra for a period of 10 years. And centre should bear the remaining 3000 crores... If Telangana doesnt give, centre should be accountable to give it. 2)As per Jai Prakash Narayan… Rayalseema has a revenue deficit of 7000 crores, Coastal Andhra surplus of 600 crores, Hyderabad surplus of 12000 crores, rest of Telangana deficit of 8000 crores. 3)Retired employees who want to stay in Hyderabad/Telangana should get pension from Telangana govt. NEW CAPITAL & OTHERS ======================== 1) Centre should give adequate funds to build new capital. assembly, high court, govt office.. cultural centres etc etc 2) All the 40+ stage govt corporations in hyd should be set up in new capital as well 3) Setup capital in one region and high court in another region. (Eg: Capital in Andhra and High court in Rayalseema... or viceversa) 4) Increase the no. of MLA seats to 225 from 175 on a calculation of 9 MLA seats for 1 MP seat... so 25 MPs will have 225 MLAs...and that will lead to stability of govt. SPECIAL PACKAGE FOR RAYALSEEMA & NORTH COASTAL ANDHRA ================================================================== Rayalseema and north coastal andhra are backward regions. Hence special package should be exclusively granted to these areas and give preference to setup industries in rayalseema where there is no fertile land like coastal andhra. HYDERABAD ================ 1) Common Capital should be extended till HMDA limits as lots of andhra poeple have settled in HMDA region. Lot of properties were brought by andhra people in HMDA region, hence making HMDA as common capital will safeguard their interests. 2) If not possible for HMDA to be made as a common capital then a committee should be formed with chief minister of seemandhra/telangana and opposition leader of seemandhra/telangana along with governor to resolve any land disputes/issues. 3) No GOs should be made which will acquire lands or assets invested by Andhra People. 4) No Going back on the 10 year duration allowed for students from Andhra to be treated as locals in Hyd & Telangana as most of the colleges/universities here 5) No job reservation for locals in Hyd private organizations, organized or unorganized sectors Also Telangana will have power shortage by 50% after bifurcation. Hyd will have tremendous power issues. How they will address it. The 4000MW plant they announced in the bill will take atleast 3 years to complete. until then???... Thats why do all these things in next 2-3 years and then do bifurcation. Also MLAs in Telangana should be increased to 153 from 119 today.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 04:44:10 +0000

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