Friends, Of all the videos I have ever posted, this is the VIDEO - TopicsExpress


Friends, Of all the videos I have ever posted, this is the VIDEO YOU MUST WATCH. We all have a common concern “ISLAM”, to fight the enemy, you must understand the enemy. This brilliant video is an hour long. PLEASE WATCH IT, it provides a detailed analysis into our greatest threat and the force behind the spread of Islam around the globe. Many revelations will Shock you as the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD is exposed for execution of a master plan to infiltrate western societies and governments to spread Islam. The MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD have mastered the “ABUSE” of our democratic system to in effect DESTROY DEMOCRACY. EGYPY is a perfect example where the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ABUSED the democratic process to dominate party and commence implementation of a THEOCRACY, an ISLAMIC STATE GOVERNED BY SHARIA. At the end of the day, it comes down to awareness and NUMBERS, as the Islamic population they inch closer to their agenda.. The Muslim Brotherhood is the most deceptive organisation within Islam. When the Muslim Brotherhood were ruining for elections, they guaranteed they would NOT run for man than 1/3 of parliamentary seats, they promised not to run a candidate for president, they promised EGYPT would be a democratic society. They now dominate parliament, they ran Morsi for President and he “won” by the skin of his teeth…. The brotherhood are the brains behind the current Islamic TUSNAIM sweeping the world. The Muslim Brotherhood are SUNNI’S, they are our greatest enemy, they are not to be underestimated, the are clever, cunning,, calculative and carefully craft every move down to the execution In Australia they do NOT openly use the name “Muslim brotherhood” in their NAME. They however have an organisation “called Egyptian Islamic Society”. ( The Muslim Brotherhood have TENTACILES all over Australia in every state. We currently have 3 muslim Members of parliament (Ed Husic Federal ALP, NSW Greens chose Mehreen Faruqi, and NSW ALP Shaoquett Moselmane. Saudi Arabia from whom we buy our oil and makes billions every single day, is the Financer of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood are the Mother of all world wide terrorists with links that can be traced back to the Brotherhood.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 05:02:23 +0000

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