Friends, PLEASE read this. It very much bothers me that I am - TopicsExpress


Friends, PLEASE read this. It very much bothers me that I am having to post this on Facebook, YET AGAIN. Im feeling a strong need to do a house cleaning, and I still might. However, because I respect every ounce of diversity among my friends, I have refrained from doing that. But this just might be the straw that breaks the camels back. To hear, from friends, that I, along with my child, need to be isolated on an island alone from everyone for my personal decisions is nothing but blatant disrespect. To hear I should be gutted to prevent reproducing again is... just... horrid. To hear that I should be taken into a field and shot for the decisions I have made for my family paints YOU in a whole new light. I have been heavily criticized for the decisions I have made since becoming a parent. From using a midwife, a home birth, breastfeeding, breastfeeding past one years old (gasp), breastfeeding past two years old (GASP), from using natural remedies while sick, drastically changing my diet when my son had eczema rather than pump him full of formula and steroids, to making the very heavy, difficult, long decision to not vaccinate. For those who dont know me very well, I am addicted to research. Every decision I have made has come from hours, days, weeks, months, and years of research. I avoid biased articles, and focus strictly on facts - both pros and cons. With that being said... I am not anti-doctors. I am not anti-hospitals. I am not anti-formula. I am not anti-modern medicine. I am not anti-vaccinations. As a parent, God gives me the incredible responsibility to protect, provide, and raise my child in the best way I see fit. For us, things that are expected in America werent the best decision for us and our family. In the end, I love my son more than anything, and I take every decision that will affect him with utmost caution and approach everything with a healthy concern for his well being. If you choose to do things differently than me, then I greatly respect you as a person and as a parent, whom I know loves their child just as much as I love mine. I do not ask anyone to agree with me. But I do ask that you respect me. I HATE I have to post this, because I dont like to fuss about ridiculousness like this, but anyone who feels the need to cross the line from factual discussions into threatening remarks will be promptly removed from Facebook. Its something I refuse to tolerate.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 02:54:40 +0000

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