Friends, There is a lesson, nearly every week, now, in - TopicsExpress


Friends, There is a lesson, nearly every week, now, in interacting with friends, family, and strangers. This weeks lesson has not concluded, but the trial is vibrantly manifest: resilience and steadfastness in the face of utter jerktastic behavior. We have all had debates with colleagues and random acquaintances here on fb and out in the real world. An innocent(ish) question is posed: So, do you stone your disobedient child, if you obey the law? While their words say one thing, we learn through experience that this question is code for ***This person is gearing up to attempt to trap me in an unanswerable question, accuse me of hypocrisy, or prove that YHWH is some sort of schizophrenic monster.*** We sieze up, anticipating the poison about to be hurdled from across the vast chasm of the interwebs. Its decision time. Ladies, Ill be honest with you. It is so, so, SO very difficult to stand up for truth, weather the snide and spiteful personal attacks, quote Scripture, *AND* maintain patience, kindness, compassion, and gentleness. If you havent yet networked with other Torah Sisters, please do so. Meet people. Send friend requests. Read one anothers posts. Comment. Get to know one another. I cant begin to tell you how valuable your Sisters are. Where one is zealous for the holiness of our Father, another will have a heart for meekness. Where one Sister is exceptionally knowledgeable about the temple and sacrifices, another will be equipped with understanding of prophesy and fulfillment. One Sister might be able to discern themes and shadows in the Bible, while another might have an excellent head for tying Scriptures together. We each have gifts. Our own talents and strengths are an asset to our communities, and we can grow tremendously by learning from the strengths of others. If not for my small community of gracious and beautiful Sisters this week - reminding me to LOVE those who mock my King, to speak with gentleness and kindness, and to remember that not so long ago, I was counted among the mockers and the scoffers - I would have represented the Most High in the most deplorable and reprehensible ways, bringing His name to shame, and giving further ammunition to the attacks. Your Sisters can help you turn from wrath, to seek His wisdom, and to walk away when it is time. Please, consider networking with some of the ladies here. Comment, and get to know someone new. :)
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 03:01:43 +0000

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