Friends, We all have them, truth be know we all need friends to - TopicsExpress


Friends, We all have them, truth be know we all need friends to survive. Yes Im sure some people have many more friends than others but Ill take quality over quantity any day, I can only speak for myself on what Im about to say but I think if you stop and think about it you will agree with me for the most part. If your my true friend and you need me Ill stop whatever Im doing (if at all possible) and make time for you, If I ask you how are you I genuinely mean it, If I ask you can I do anything for you/ help you, Im not asking to be polite, I mean it, Ive done it for complete strangers before. I dont know how many times my phone has rang at any hour of the day or night and there was a friend on the other end with tears or a problem they needed help or advice with a problem, Ill give you the best I know how. So now we get to the part of returning the gesture and the part that makes you my friend in the first place, pick up the phone check on your friends, if your like me I dont want to bother anyone with my problems, you have your own to deal with but a true friend will do it regardless. if someone gives you there time they never get it back and as we all know life is too damn short sometimes, dont depend on all your friends calling you to ask for help or your input with a problem, pride plays a big roll & some people are stronger than others some people are able to deal with there problems or whatever for that matter but remember not everyone is..friends will get mad or aggravated with you & you will with them, but if they are truly your friend it will work out If your gonna call someone your friend be a friend there is way more to it than sayin they are my friend & if your not gonna do most of the things I have stated in this post you may be better off saying they are an acquaintance two totally different things with two totally different definitions. Now I know when I post this there will be comments, for those that show concern yes Im fine Thank You It has been a LONG HARD WINTER things havent been great by any means but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Im a strong person I been through hard times before but with faith and determination I find a way, Im not perfect by any means Im human, I make mistakes most days but if your my friend and Im aware Im gonna offer to do what I can for you. I will end in saying I dont care how strong or tuff you are it makes me feel a little better just knowing someone cared enough to take time to ask me how are you or are you ok & Im pretty sure there are others that feel the same way, true friendships should never be taken for granted & all to often is in this mess of a world we live in today .......... best wishes to you all
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 23:25:19 +0000

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