Friends and Family, (skip to last large paragraph for the - TopicsExpress


Friends and Family, (skip to last large paragraph for the important part if you dont want to read all of this) As most of you are aware, I have been following the news regarding Louisiana College closely and passionately. After the initial crisis from last year died down things became quiet. Now in the past several months new, and more damning, information has come to light and I once again engaged in the discussion and dissemination of that information. I love LC. Despite what it appears to be I greatly enjoyed my time there and still love many of the people I have met. Because I love LC so much I was willing, convicted even, to re-engage the issues. I am still convicted that the choice to stand again the administration (even if that meant appearing to stand against LC itself) was the right thing to do. I did so with a wealth of knowledge and information that many were not able to access. Information from former professors, former students, board members, former board members current staff and faculty, and journalists. I did not engage lightly or blindly. Make no mistake, I did engage passionately and relentlessly. At one point I even advocated the closing of LC. If ridding LC of the administration it has/had meant pursuing its closing of the doors, then I would gladly work to see that happen. It would be far better for LC to lose money and students and be forced to close than to remain and continue poisoned, abused, crippled, and run the way it has. I am resolute in that mindset. Yes, students would have lost degrees and faculty jobs. However, the truth would have been brought to light and the evils of certain men would have been halted. It would have saved future students and faculty the pain and abuse that so many have already felt. I can advocate this because I risked my future. I risked the opportunity to never even finish my degree or start again at another school by leaving LC. I made a sacrifice and by that sacrifice, and grace of God, I have the right to speak up. Fortunately, for all parties involved LC seems to have been redeemed from at least one man. I am sure that the future of LC looks brighter now, more so, than it did. I would however point out that regardless of what you think of Joe Aguillard and LC that what happened there was a result of a greater problem: the toxicity of the leadership in the Louisiana Baptist Convention. It is no secret (especially to the rest of the SBC) that Louisiana is a dangerous and harsh environment for anyone who wished to plant a church or pastor one that does not meet a standard as set forth by the state conventions leadership. It is easy to be blind to such politics because it is by these sails that the ship has for so long sped forward. LC is nothing more than a symptom of a greater problem, a problem that wont even fund a church plant if they claim to be Elder Led. LC was given one last leg to stand on but it is a led with a ball and chain attached to it. With all that being said and assuming you read this far, I must take the time to apologize. I find that anytime conflict arises and people must stand for their convictions they inevitably get something wrong. Such is the nature of man. It would not be possible to contest for one thing over another with multiple parties involved and not hit a pit fall from time to time. So I apologize. I apologize for how I have communicated the things I stand for, although I do not apologize for what I have stood for. Even though I am convinced I stood, and still stand, for truth I am aware I have often come off arrogantly and cold hearted. I admit that this issue has caused me much anger, frustration, depression, and bitterness. For that I am sorry and to any who feel as if I have wrong you or sinned against you I ask that you forgive me. The close of my involvement is near and I will be moving on to better opportunities to minister to others. This is something I cannot do while focused on LC and I have been aware of that for some time. However, the Lord has made way clear and has given me a peace about everything at this point. Pray for me. There are many I wish to serve and help who have been through my struggles and pain I greatly wish to love them. The Lord has been so gracious already to provide such opportunities and I am convinced he will continue to produce fruit in their lives, from the small watering I have done, for his glory. I am sure as the last bits of information come to light in the next two weeks I will post a few more articles for the sake sharing the knowledge but over all my involvement with LC is done. I can no longer look back and would be in disobedience to God, now, if I do. We will never cease to love thee, Alma Mater, hail to thee! In Christ, James Bradley Arnold.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:53:08 +0000

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