Friends and Supporters of Measure 92! I had an alarming - TopicsExpress


Friends and Supporters of Measure 92! I had an alarming conversation with my co-workers today. They are voting *against* 92. They are people who eat consciously and organically - they care about the quality of their food! The reasons they gave were: 1) GMO Free food is already labeled (voluntarily by the companies making it) 2) It will raise the costs for farmers to produce food 3) Why should Oregon do it; the federal government should do it The messages of the opposition and their delivery are incredibly effective and persuasive. It is imperative that everyone who wants to see this measure pass talks to everyone they can - neighbors, family members, friends - dont make any assumptions about how people will vote based on their beliefs, eating habits or general sentiments. Go to the Oregon Right To Know page and their website to arm yourself with the facts and knowledge to address the hype and misinformation. Answers to these arguments are: 1) Most food is not labeled. I think well be surprised by how much GMO food is actually in our food. It will have a huge impact on the culture and the way we eat. 2) False - get the facts at: 3) Change only happens on the local level. The feds will never move on this issue because the leaders of Monsanto are interchangeable with the leaders of the federal government. Thats never going to happen. The only way change happens is on the local level - cities, counties and states. The way laws have changed around cannabis consumption is a prime example. I am continually disheartened by the way people people the hype, eating up whatever is on television. There was even a comment of not liking the way the spokesperson for 92 looked - as if thats an argument for how to vote. So sad...yet, the reality of the moment. Please talk to everyone you know. Share this post. Share other posts. Remember to stay calm, ask questions, find out whats important to them. Respond with facts, citations, resources and directly address whats important to them. Most of all, stay connected. Speak from your heart. Choose to love anyway. May we move mountains and win this vote!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 03:16:25 +0000

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