Friends and family... I have thought long and hard about sharing - TopicsExpress


Friends and family... I have thought long and hard about sharing some things going on with me with the world, so to speak, and have decided I really am only cheating myself by trying to be private. Ive been having some health problems since the first of the year, and have finally found out what is wrong. Two weeks ago I found out that I have Multiple Sclerosis. While as a diagnosis it is very scary, it is almost a relief to finally know WHY I have been experiencing the things I have. My initial onset of symptoms happened on Christmas Day when I woke up with neuropathy (numbness) and tingling in my right hand. It worsened steadily and a series of doctors were uncertain of the cause but tried to treat it as carpal tunnel and explored multiple theories. I started a treatment for the symptoms in January and struggled with neurological issues for months, blaming them on the medication, calling it a side effect. Ive found myself being forgetful, lacking focus, losing half of my vocabulary in the middle of a sentence, forgetting orders placed with the business.... None of this was in character for me. I even asked my doctor if she thought I might have early onset Alzheimers!!!! The people Ive told have all asked what can be done and the only thing I can ask for is prayers and patience with me when Im being a ditz or have forgotten something that you have told me 10 times. I am trying to be smarter about writing things down and putting things in my phone and computer. I started medical therapy that promises to help prevent flare ups and hopefully will minimize the progression of the disease. I suppose it will be a learning process as to what I need to do to take better care of myself! I dont tell you guys this to elicit sympathy, just to be open and honest with people that have shown me kindness and support.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 03:09:59 +0000

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