Friends, as we enter into the Easter time I want to share some - TopicsExpress


Friends, as we enter into the Easter time I want to share some considerations I have worked with since the beginning of my days in Rudolf Steiners work. I will share a thought later but I thought to share this as a foundation. There is no death for any of the Beings belonging to the higher Hierarchies, with the one exception of Christ. But in order that a supersensible Being such as Christ should be able to pass through death, He must first have descended to the earth. And the fact of immeasurable significance in the Mystery of Golgotha is that a Being who in the realm of His own will could never have experienced death, should have descended to the earth in order to undergo an experience connected inherently with man. Thereby that inner bond was created between earthly mankind and Christ, in that this Being passed through death in order to share this destiny with man. As I have already emphasised, that death was of the greatest possible importance, above all for the present evolutionary period of the earth. A Being of unique nature who until then was only cosmic, was united with the earths evolution through the Mystery of Golgotha, through Christs death. At the time of the Mystery of Golgotha, He entered into the very process of the earths evolution. This had not been the case before that event, for He then belonged to the cosmos alone; but through the Mystery of Golgotha, He descended out of the cosmos and was incorporated on earth. Since then, He lives on the earth, is united with the earth in such a way that He lives within the souls of men and with them experiences life on the earth. Thus the whole period before the Mystery of Golgotha was only a time of preparation in the evolution of the earth. The Mystery of Golgotha imparted to the earth its meaning and purpose. Rudolf Steiner May 2 1913
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:57:11 +0000

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