Friends, do any of you know how I can make a living by truly - TopicsExpress


Friends, do any of you know how I can make a living by truly living? Heres what I want to do most of all, which is exactly what I am most endowed to give— what I hear calling my name and what I sense I am alive to do: ❀ Host ceremonies for death and bereavement, pregnancy and birth, weddings, puberty rites-of-passage, and everything else in between.* ❀ Write poetry and prose—for You. ❀ Build beloved circles of friends, because its the only way to peace I know. ❀ Work to rebalance the masculine and feminine, starting with naming what is sacred therein...what has been lost...what *will be* recovered and uncovered and re-invented. ❀ Care tremendously about the world and stand for that, and speak that, in full honour. ❀ Host sacred con-versation. (Etymology: turn + with. Turn together, return together, starting with You & I). ❀ Weave more beauty than is needed. For thats exactly whats needed. Economy is an old Greek word for managing the house. The house I live in is fine and perfect and most wondrous, actually. But the way it has been managed—is broken. And so I dont know how to make a living, yet, by truly living. (And truly dying, with You). And so I ask for help: suggestion, encouragement, ideas, questions, and support. Because I know that this is not my only my journey, or my journey alone. Together we turn to ways of living that actually serve Heart and Hearth. Each of us is depended upon to give from our Gift, trusting that we will be taken care of in return. I speak here of a relationship to Future and Each Other mirrored directly with the relationship with the Earth that is most needed, and, in fact, the only relationship with the Earth that is going to work out, namely: TRUST.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:59:50 +0000

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