Friends, family, brothers on Facebook, please help me wish myself - TopicsExpress


Friends, family, brothers on Facebook, please help me wish myself a Happy 45th birthday, a very big one indeed, with many tremendous blessings I have received through the year. Oh God, I thank you for this day. I am really grateful and humble for all you have done for me in these 45 years of life. I thank you for saving the lives of my family and I during the civil war in Sierra Leone (in which I encountered many close calls). I thank you for saving my life throughout all the many thousands of travels I have done in vehicles, airplanes , boats ,trains. etc all around the world as far as to Hong Kong, Bangkok, South Africa, Germany,Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, London, Brussels , Sierra Leone, Senegal, Canada, France, USA and more on business trips and non business trips. I am so happy and excited today, because I can honestly admit that , reaching to this point where I am in life today or getting to where I am today was not all done by my own will alone, but by the help of my dear spouse and family, and the many positive and great people I encountered along the way and the Almighty God. I also thank God for giving me the ability and strength to help me pass through the many obstacles I have encountered in many moments of my life when I thought it was almost over. One thing I know for sure is that I carry virtue and a positive attitude,and I believe others can honestly testify to on my behalf throughout all these years: its the hope ,courage and smile that I kept and wore on my face even in the darkest hours and moments in Sierra Leone, Cape Verde, America and elsewhere ;that tremendous positive mental attitude and I believe others can honestly testify to that on my behalf has helped me to propel through the years and the many others I helped admonish and inspired through these years, also the others who thought they were going through a lot that I counseled to stand strong and to those I always reminded that an inflow of new thoughts can remake them, can change their life, and also to those I told to keep their heads high and to stay away from negative and put down syndrome people. Those are the people who can truly testify to my positive mental attitude. OH, God I am so happy for the tremendous hope and courage you have given me throughout these years and through the darkest moments in my life. I am becoming more happy and excited writing all this today. God, I thank you for your mercy in my life and the ability to constantly remind me of YOU. I thank you for my childrens well being and ability to study. Courage is a good virtue and a good quality or habit that one could have, as well as doing things morally correct, and also as well as being honest, loyal and obedient. By Gods grace I will be celebrating this one with my family and you will be seeing the pictures of us dining in a beautiful restaurant.p
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 01:06:44 +0000

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