Friends have been commenting and inquiring about Nevis. Let me - TopicsExpress


Friends have been commenting and inquiring about Nevis. Let me say this about my experiences there. I have family who lives there for the winter months (Dec.-April). When I go there I LIVE there...I dont mean live it up, I mean I drive, shop for groceries, visit people, get mail, do banking, etc. Ive been to the Police, Inland Revenue, insurance companies, car repair shops, the abattoir, turkey farms, funerals, weddings, church services, etc. I have never liked staying at a resort, and have never stayed at an all-inclusive resort, where you wake up in the morning, look at all the carefully arranged perfection, and check a map to see which resort you are visiting. You never get local color at a fancy resort, unless you count the skin-tone of the employees. For us Nevis has meant: -Arriving late for dinner at someones house because a herd of sheep was blocking their road. -Rolling slowly down a dirt road talking to the old man riding his donkey next to your drivers window. -Slipping the hens and chickens a corner of my sandwich while eating lunch at a cafe. -Watching the nurses at the hospital chase the goats out of the corridor while I was waiting for a blood pressure check. -Sitting on the front porch shooting marbles at monkeys to chase them out of the mango tree. -Sneaking a tiny piece of lobster to the lizard parked on my foot during a formal outdoor dinner. -Having to talk louder to counter the chatter from the nearby heron rookery while waiting for supper at a local restaurant. -Taking home a fresh-caught fish for supper, because I helped an old man slide his dory up on the beach. -Trying to shoo some local church people off the porch on Christmas Eve, because they were drunk, and we thought 14 verses of the same carol was enough. -Trying to figure out where the bacon was located on the fresh-slaughtered pork shoulder that Tim the Mailman brought us one New Years because he likes us...and sliding all over the kitchen from the fresh lard. -Taking a saws-all to a locally frozen turkey which had legs and wings sticking out of it every which way and wouldnt fit in the refrigerator. -Buying bananas from a LARGE elderly lady who walks past the house each morning with a basket of fresh-picked produce balanced on her head. -Going to the abattoir and picking out a fresh beef tenderloin, then slicing it into steaks back at the house. -Changing sides of the street when walking downtown, to avoid the fumes from someone making fresh hot pepper sauce. -Standing still outside the courthouse, with head bowed respectfully, as the bewigged judges enter for a Superior session. -Exchanging empty rum & wine bottles for fresh home-made shandy, sorrel and ginger beer from old Mrs. Swanston. -Being chased back to the car by a wild hog while picking bay leaves for my home-made rum punch. -Having a 12 year old local boy shinny up a palm tree, get a coconut, and whack the top off with a machete, so you can try FRESH coconut water. -Sitting on a porch in the late afternoon, with a palm full of raw sugar and having the bull finches perch on your fingers to eat it. -Hearing half a dozen cow-bells ring around the area when the sun has set with a green flash. -Turning off the TV, because the rain on the metal roof is so loud, you cant hear it anyway... Thats what the REAL Caribbean experience is all about!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:44:56 +0000

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