Friends...humour me as I share my own views (as a Christian) on - TopicsExpress


Friends...humour me as I share my own views (as a Christian) on the massive row caused by the Pastors words. Its a reminder that words are powerful. We should carefully guard our words. Of course many muslims are very trustworthy. To be honest theres many Christians I wouldnt trust very much. Muslims in my experience are very trustworthy and honourable people...and I do know a few. I dont think untrustworthiness is particularly a muslim/christian problem...its a human nature problem surely? Its part of our brokenness/sinfulness as human beings. The Pastor was reckless in those comments. But, he was primarily making a theological point...not a race point. The whole forore about race is a red heron...surely?! I suspect the Pastor shares my Christian view that all human beings regardless of colour or culture have equal dignity, having been created in the image of God, and that racism is vile, disgusting and intolerable. Christianity has a global concern for every people group, every culture, every language. If Anna Lo was racially abused at a supermarket carpark as she reports...Im pure disgusted. You can see the raw pain in her face. You cant help being moved by her hurt...pure vile. However, criticism of Islam is not racism. If it were, why arent those who are most vocally outraged at the Pastors criticism of Islam on facebook and the media not been similarly outraged these past few years at the constant, incessant, often malicious criticism of Christianity by new atheists such as Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins or the late Christopher Hitchens, all of whom have written, said and posted online some of the most outrageous misinterpretations of scripture and Jesus Christ imaginable. And if you want to talk of consequences, it is the vile lies vomited out by these men which contribute significantly to much of the religious abuse Ive experienced, and am suffering increasingly more often and more serious. On one occasion I was called a child abuser because the particular person heard I read the bible to my children...and if you want to know where he got that idea fron, he read it in Richard Dawkinss The God Delusion. Now i havent heard one facebook criticism, one politician or media outlet voice outrage at Richard Dawkins for calling the billion christians worldwide as child abusers. Have you? It does appear acceptable, culturally, to passionately criticise the utter stupidity (so called) of faith in Jesus Christ, but hands off other religions. Quite hypocritical...double standards. Would I have used the Pastors words? I wouldnt.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 23:01:54 +0000

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