Friends, if you read my words, Id urge you to read this. - TopicsExpress


Friends, if you read my words, Id urge you to read this. :) Dedicated to my teachers Neena Ma’am and Sudipta Ma’am ~~~~~~~ How I started writing?? ~~~~~ As I woke up after my afternoon nap in the evening, I felt the impulse to write how I started writing. I must mention two names, names which have shaped me as a person. More than names, they are people, who have spent most of their life creating people of value, theyve created people who believe in themselves, and who love them, coz they love them. They are my teachers Neena ma’am and Sudipta ma’am. Few days back a friend of mine, Kanchan, had written a note for Neena ma’am on her bday, it moved me, and I had that urge to write but somewhere I had that feeling, reluctance, that it is not the write time. Coz the time is NOW. Although I have written a poem once in class 6 and a story in class 7 and endless words written in my subject notebooks and exams, I wouldn’t call that writing. My writing began in class ninth. I had written a poem and showed it to Sudipta Ma’am!!And I was swept away by her appreciation and encouragement for every poem that I wrote! I felt I could write!! I could scratch some words on paper that made sense, that could evoke feelings in the hearts of people, create images and thought in their minds, or so I thought. So with the new found encouragement from Sudipta Ma’am, I was looking for something else, which even I didn’t know… What was it?? What was it?? It was our Sanskrit class taught by Neena Mehta Ma’am. Her classes have been the ‘coolest’ teaching experiences! Interspersed with moral stories, motivating and inspiring anecdotes, she would take us to the Vedic Past and then all of sudden bring to this present!! :D So that day, she talked about Diary Writing. “You people should have a diary, and write in it. It’s good, coz when you write, you think, and years later when you’ll see your diary you’ll find the transformation youve had.” Hmm…I found that cool. I went home and found an old empty diary and started writing! 5.12.2006 Tuesday. That was my first diary entry. And after that there was no stopping, no looking back. I never got any appreciation for writing a diary! ;) It was a reward in itself. I found in my diary a patient listener, who would listen to each and every word, everything that crossed my mind. And yes, I had started thinking in class ninth. I had started questioning things…like education: P So, as the years went by, I grew more and more dependent on my diary, I wouldnt say dependent, liberating would be a better word. My Diary became the ocean, the same diary became my shore, Where I would come often, to throw stones of my thoughts, Into the deep ocean…. And years later, I have started to love writing. Back then, it was a necessity, now its a joy!! Facebook too has played an important role in my writing!! I would write to friends, for friends, so it was a nice place for me to write, interact and has still been!! Timing is a very crucial thing in life. My teachers saw something in me, which maybe I didnt. And so they made me see, what they saw. At the time when I had just started growing. Their love and faith had made all the difference. Who I am today is because of them. And Neena ma’am has been the person, who made it easy for me to survive the last two years of schooling and the first few years of college! She never judged me, just talked to me and supported me. In truest sense, she has been my Guru. My Teachers, All Of You, You have been the burning candle, Because of which my life has light. I respect you for what you’re doing. Please keep doing it. Coz by what you do, You change lives. You create dreams. You give hope. I love you.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 14:20:10 +0000

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