Friends in UK... Parliament just had an Emergency Debate on - TopicsExpress


Friends in UK... Parliament just had an Emergency Debate on Hong Kong. Things like this rarely happen. This is a big deal. Hong Kong, once a safe city is being destroyed by the dark and insidious Communist Party of China. China has an agreement with the UK to preserve Hong Kongs way of life for 50years. The emergency debate was because China basically told the UK it has no right in looking into what is currently happening in HK. This is breaking an international treaty. Please, dont believe any of the bull-shit that tells you that the democracy protesters in Hong Kong are violent and the police are being restrained. Even the BBC does not portray true events in HK. They are not rioters, they are not looting, they are not destroying anything, they are only standing up bravely for what they believe in and the once respected HK Police Force is increasing its violence daily on unarmed people and students, who dont fight back. The HK Police Force is now like a wild animal realised onto the peaceful people of HK. They are trying to silence the message of democracy with batons, violence and intimidation. Living in the UK, theres nothing you can physically do... other than KNOW. KNOW that Hong Kong people are bravely standing up for the values that define you as British person. The values our parents and grandparents died for in WW2. There are many people in Hong Kong that do support democracy but think that the fight is too big against the CCP and they can never win. Therefore they think that they should not stand up for these values no matter how noble as the fight is hopeless. But as a British person, we know that in the darkest days of WW2, when all of Europe was lost and Britain was staring into the abyss of defeat, the only thing Britain had left was hope. Hope that good would triumph over evil and as British people we will never give in... even if we lose, at least we lose being right and trying to do good, rather than yielding and living a life with a black heart. Hong Kong people are now fighting that same fight, they have no power, no plan, no leader.... only hope. They are the epitome of the Dunkirk Spirit. They put their bodies in front of batons and do not fight back in the hope that one day they can live in freedom and without fear from the government or police. This fight is not far removed from you. Whenever and where ever dark forces overcome the values of democracy they take one step closer to your doorstep. I know immigration is a big issue in UK at the moment... but these people are not your enemy. Ultimately, whether right or wrong, immigarants want to be part of your system, to live like you do, eat like you do, play like you do. They want to come to UK because they desire its values and way of life. This is not so for the CCP, it actively wants to destroy the system you live in and HK is a frontline of that fight. If the people of Hong Kong are defeated and beaten into subjugation, it will not bode well for the entire World. So people in UK, please KNOW, please SHARE the information on HK. It is a great comfort for everyone here on the front lines that we have your support. This is a global attack on democracy by the Communist Party of China. This is not a fight any of us can lose!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:55:22 +0000

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