Friends, it cannot be anything else, The Loud Cry of the Third - TopicsExpress


Friends, it cannot be anything else, The Loud Cry of the Third Angels Message IS.. The Sabbath Proclaimed More Fully... Listen, dear friends, listen.... Like we see in Revelation 18:1-5, Revelation 14:9-12 displays two things: Exposure of Light and Exposure of Darkness, Righteousness by Faith, and the Mark of the Beast. But until we can see the Sabbath more fully, We cannot connect the two into one Message. It becomes discombobulated. So, my question is, How come people are not interested In such an all-encompassing truth? Are we looking at the Message or the messenger? Would we receive a new and powerful message from a big name, Like Doug Batchelor, Ted Wilson, or Mark Finley? (Who I dearly love by the way) But why should we expect God to only work through them, The big names? The big ministries? Doesnt God work through the lowliest people? Hasnt our prophet warned us that light would come From unusual, and out of the ordinary, places? Why are we not hungering and thirsting after the truth, Even when it comes from lowly messengers that have no name? It is time to expect, the unexpected... EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED We have been talking 1888, and righteousness by faith, And revival and reformation, and the like Ever since 1888, but has Jesus come? Others say, Yeah, He is waiting for us to live it! Then why arent we? There must be something missing. I believe the light has come, And it has come from the wounds of Jesus on Calvary, Shining through the portals of the 4th Commandment, And diffusing light throughout the Sanctuary and time. And now we have reached the very end, Where the light is the brightest and least diffuse. The Sabbath MUST be proclaimed more fully. And as it is, people will be prepared for the final test, The Mark of the Beast, the Sunday Laws. Let us get to the heart of the matter... Please listen carefully... We must get to the point In our Seventh-day Adventist, Christian experience, Where, through the merits of Jesus, As seen in His infinite and complete Sacrifice (which is new light), We REST from all of our sins. It is the only way. It is the only Message, the only Loud Cry. Full Sabbath REST from Babylon Received from the Fountain of Jesus, And then we will be able to stand, In the most important event of earths history. Do you know what that is? (Its not the 2nd Coming, the result) It can only be one thing... When the terrible test of Sunday Laws is passed And 144,000 stand without a Mediator, Because they, through the merits of Christs complete Sacrifice, Have found rest and refreshing from all of their sins. This is the Substance that the sign represents. They have the experience of fully entering the covenantal rest, And the sign that they keep the true Sabbath Day testifies. The entering in (the sealing) is a process, And it must begin with us NOW (while it is still called Today). And this, my brothers and my sisters, IS The Loud Cry of the Third Angels Message. My conservative SDA friends, listen... We can stay back in 1843 with the Millerites. Or, we can stay back in 1888 with Jones and Waggoner. We can continue debating what all their messages really are... 2520, the 1843 and 1850 charts, 1888, righteousness by faith, last generation theology, spiritual formation, the omega of apostasy, etc., etc., etc. But if we do not GO FORWARD, we will not ever reach the condition required for Christ to take us to our Tabernacles in heaven, and what is that condition? Entering into His rest from our own ways. This is the only seal, the only condition, that God is waiting for, And then the 4 winds will be released and everything will occur In quick succession (The final scenes will be rapid ones.) The bottom line is that there is light that we have not received. And it is the most glorious light ever given to the universe. And it has but one Source: the rest-giving wounds of Jesus. Until we receive this, We will continue debating about what 1888 was all about, And we will be mystified in our pursuits. Want to know what it is? Ill tell you what it is, and you can look it up for yourself. 1888 was to helplessly cling to the merits of Jesus! Thats it! A simple message that a child can understand! And this has already been preached, Yet we have not yet entered into rest. Then what is missing, you ask? What is missing is we dont truly understand His merits, Because we dont understand His full Sacrifice. And His very Sacrifice is the same principle of the Sabbath, Rest. And this is the faith of Jesus, the missing ingredient. God rested from His own ways to create us, To become one of us, and to atone for us, In a painful process all along the way, When He could have done anything else. When we grasp this, in its full bearings, (Which will take Bible/SOP study and turning of entertainment) And then cling to those merits of Christ as a child, Then we will have rest from all of our sins, And the condition will be accomplished, So that Christ can say, As the 144,000 stand victorious and glorious in the time of test, Along with the resurrected SDAs who will stand with them, Here is the patience of the saints: Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, And THE FAITH OF JESUS--full Sabbath Rest Then the day and hour of Christ will be announced, And then it will come. My earnest cry and prayer is this... Where are those who will proclaim this message?! Not 1843, not 1888, but PRESENT truth, That combines all past truth into one Sabbath Message, Even the thunderings and lightnings of the Loud Cry, which is come. Where are the messengers? Where are the messengers? ARISE, SHINE; FOR THY LIGHT IS COME, AND THE GLORY OF JEHOVAH IS RISEN UPON THEE! God bless
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 03:57:39 +0000

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