Friends... it is interesting what Jewish media celebrate. Gerson - TopicsExpress


Friends... it is interesting what Jewish media celebrate. Gerson Von Bleichroeder was the German/Jewish banker at the foundation of the unification of Germany. Interestingly, Italy was also going through a unification process. In fact when we look at history, it seems the various wars and unifications could now be looked at in hindsight to serve as absolutely essential, to manipulate the people of the world into submission to a one world government/dictatorship. Before the unification of German speaking states.... Napoleon had almost won in his bid for European supremacy and narrowly failed... this being known to the Rothschild dynasty early and allowed them their stock market swindle in London. Following in 1816 there was the Congress of Vienna when the powerful met and discussed an end to wars and suffering and proposed one world government. The only opposition was from the Russian Czar...which demonstrates how far back, our leaders have been driving for a one world totalitarian dictatorship. Whether we like it or not, there is always a reoccurring theme applicable in all these machinations.... Jewish bankers and their hidden Hand network that use a myriad of organisations- just follow the money. The traces of this agenda occur long before the Jesuits were even established... I will suggest that as the founder member of the Jesuits was in fact a crypto Jew...that the Jesuits are part of the Hidden Hand of these criminal elite Jews who are most likely not authentic Judeans but more likely of central European descent...whom aligned with the Byzantine empire and infiltrated European society. It is worth the time to read the Protocols of Zion ( as although they get called a forgery or fake... when one reads and compares the world today.... they may take your breath away. I believe this to be a very long term (many centuries) conspiracy for world domination, not by all the Judeans but by a criminal cult using the cover of Judaism, controlling today, virtually all governments, banks, resources, education, media, medicine, industry, corporations of importance throughout the world. When honest politicians rise...they are either sidelined or compromised such is the power of the Hidden Hand. The Great Game is for the control of our world, with the powers that shouldnt be, continuing to deceive the masses, with many distractions until such time that either the people agree and acquiesce to NWO plans such as Agenda 21 etc..or it will be forced upon us controlling our minds with a technological revolution developing with emerging sciences such as nanotechnology, biosciences, neurosciences, information and communication technology (ICTs) to merge with biodiversity to create the SMART infrastructure for the New World Order scientific dictatorship. This would mean that we the peoples FREE RANGE SLAVE TO THE SYSTEM status is reduced to full spectrum dominance OR.... We the people continue in this massive awakening by investigating for ourselves, sharing to raise awareness, pushing the boundaries of our bondage by freeing our minds and facing the truth in order to BE the change needed for emancipation, rejecting the insane NWO before that infrastructure is fully in place....We are perilously close to the implementation of the NWOs scientific dictatorship and possibly that is where we need to be, to actually realise our situation. So many people are waking up in all walks of life with converging issues mounting pressure on the corrupt elites, so many of we the people are learning all we can, that all around the world the dominant minority in power are frightened and with good reason.... we are actually all equal, sovereign beings with spirit and do not have to consent to the oligarchy or monarchies ... we do not have to be the subjects of these sly, devious and pernicious depots ...We the people are beginning to recognize ourselves and develop the potential for a free and cooperate world for we the people. The TIME is NOW.... do all we can, keep on, keeping on and..... LET THE TRUTH SET US FREE, COMMONSENSE BECOME COMMON PLACE & LET LOVE RULE PEACE 4 ALL
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:18:00 +0000

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