Friends of Vancouver and friends of our planet! The most urgent - TopicsExpress


Friends of Vancouver and friends of our planet! The most urgent message and action Ive ever called on you today!!! Im calling on you in probably the most important situation I think we will face in our citys history. What started out as a simple mobilization campaign to excite our community to participate in the elections has led us down the rabbit hole. Indeed, our research led us to understand the collusion of Post Media (The Vancouver Sun, Province, Metro, 24Hour, Vancourier) with Canadas oil industry in spinning election journalism to favour NPA, and the connection between the Fraser Institute and many of Vancouvers journalists to one of the largest investors in Albertas Tar Sands with vested interest in Keystone XL pipeline (re: Rollingstone Article). We are being called to stand up for our community, for our home, and for our right to protect our resources and environment from two of the worlds wealthiest oil execs. As this heats up, our beloved Dogwood Initiative has been reported to Vancouver Police Dept by conservative campaigners. Kinder Morgan has been granted Government permission to remove the Burnaby protestors. Please share this article widely, contact these news media to let them know you wont believe Kinder Morgan/Election propaganda, and tell everyone you know to vote. Share it, Tweet it, lets break the internet with our love for city!!! Then come celebrate our victory tomorrow at Grandview Park. Much love, Phoenix engagevancouver/the_npa_scenario Zack Embree Shine Kelly Benj Fayle Pete Fry Ami Muranetz Elana Meta Jaroff Elana Meta Raamayan Ananda Vitantonio Spinelli Steve Curtis Derek Arceus Rohde
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:32:26 +0000

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