Friends of the graduating class of 2004, In one day it will be - TopicsExpress


Friends of the graduating class of 2004, In one day it will be our 10 year reunion. As you may have noticed or known….I’m pumped. A lot of people I’ve talked to, like David Hallander (who I ran into last night and he better show), don’t understand my enthusiasm but it’s pretty simple really. I’ve been alive for 28 years, of those 28 years I’ve been only mentally capacitated for about 22 of them (and, yes, I’m including college). We were in school for about 14 years if you include preschool, which I will, since I met people like Johnathan Medima, Derek James, Nicholas Noe and others I can’t recollect right now there….MEANING, that I’ve known some of you for more than half of my cognizant life. Was I best friends with all of you? No. Did I annoy you or you annoy me in school? Yes. BUT at some point we had a moment or a class where we enjoyed each other and when I see you, I bet we can figure what that moment was, like….. When Mark Turk and Jake Seifert lip sang Beastie Boys “fight for your right to party” in the middle school talent show Or when Taryn Ginder beat me in fifth grade spelling bee because I forgot the N in Avalanche and she got the word Tetris to win it all. (I’m still bitter about this, I knew how to spell avalanche but got nervous AND WHAT FIFTH GRADER DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SPELL TETRIS!!!!! She was probably playing it on her GameBoy before the competition.) Or when me and Nick Feltes snuck over to Elizabeth Lollars window in eighth grade and played strip poker through a window with her and Annie Holt( I had to run around the yard naked, I was quite embarrassed due to my under development at the time as you probably recall). Or when Natalie Diaz, Cynthia Lindgren, and I played truth or dare in third grade and one of us had to kiss a toilet seat, while we were supposed to be practicing for singing the Lion King in the talent show. Or when Megan Dale and Phylicia Markey would dance to BackStreet Boys (or NSync?, I can’t remember but I know your 7th grade selves would have gotten mad at me had I said the wrong name). Or when me and Darrin Hornberger would eat Lifesaver s behind the curtains in D401 and leave all the wrappers Or when we had Honor’s Passes (I wish my work had those). Or when the first time I met Lindsey H. Silberman (who was my first crush in sixth grade, she was beautiful…..”great white buffalo,”) we were playing on the playground and I jumped for the zipline thing, missed and landed right on my face. (she laughed at me but it was one of those I kind of like him laughs…at least that’s what I’ve been telling myself) Or when Nate Ashworth and I would joke about how we could go out and public and people would think he was my dad. (Someone please invite him) Or when Trevor Toon told me he was going to level me playing in our next football game, even though I was a safety and there was no reason we should ever come across each other during the game. I was standing in in the back of the end zone and he, literally, went rogue on the play, hunted me down and smoked me to the ground. Or when Hubee Teeters team would win every basketball league ( I swear there was coercion here, how was this never addressed?) Or when the first time I hung out with my current roommate, Ryan Chambo, and his English dad came to the car and I thought it was the coolest man I’d ever met (all because of the accent). Or when I wouldn’t call on Whitney Williams during our political platform rally because she was so eager to get called on (sorry Whitney, it was mean, but you were so excited). Or the first time I played Goldeneye for Nintendo 64 at Brandon Peitys and he was stuck on the first level because he didn’t know that you could shoot the lock off the gate and I figured it out (that game somehow had a profound effect on my life, I just can’t figure out how) Or the FIRST time I ever played Nintendo 64 at Michael Lindseys house. (We just played Mario that day. Going from Sonic on Sega to that was mind blowing and, at the time, I was convinced that his parents had to have taken a second mortgage to acquire such a machine) Or when I drank for the first time with Bobby Slaymon, Ryan Young, Ryan Hayes (Darrin you were there right?). 5/20!!!!! (I’m pretty sure that was the date, I’d have to go to my yearbook that year to see for sure) Or when Kim Lyon and I used to do the newspaper Jumble in the front office. Or when I asked Brittany Munn to be my girlfriend at her house (she said yes!!!!! But I don’t think we ever talked again) Or when I kissed Savannah LaTour in fifth grade because Stephanie Merrill practically made us. (I never said thanks, Stephanie, so thanks.) Or when me and Elliott Steward went through the Rambo, Star Wars, Rocky trilogies(I believe, we did Rocky) Or when Tommy Kleyn beat me for Honor Student president in eighth grade with Miss Presley Or when the reign of terror began after Jordan Sellas beat me for Junior Class President (glad you guys came through senior year) Or when Jordan Trask, Nate Schiller, Elliott Hood , Nick Feltes and numerous others from the class of 2004 and 2003 performed Operation Penetration on Killer Miller’s house. (This was an epic night) Or when Kelley Harpring, Keith Gilpatrick, Joey Fetting, Ryan Schank, and I were in stage production class together senior year (there’s no amazing story here, other than, that was seriously, my funnest class of the day and possibly ever) ( can someone contact Ms. Lucas and Miss Whitlock to get them here? Auggie, make this happen, and please come with some of your classmates) Or when Stuart Evans, Alex Wessel, Matt Haynes and I went to the White Stripes concert and they, literally, shook drywall off the ceiling. Or, just, my first crush ever……… wait for it……..Ashley Ashley Westerhold. I could, obviously, go on for days which I hope to…. TOMORROW, 7 PM, FLASHBACKS!!!!!! Love always and forever, Zach Donovan P.S. If any of you know Adam Tate and can get him to this reunion it would be greatly appreciated. He was one of my best friends and after he left fifth grade I never saw him again. I would like to see him again.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 16:12:54 +0000

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