Friends was just thinking and analyzing on the four Metros in view - TopicsExpress


Friends was just thinking and analyzing on the four Metros in view of the forthcoming elections 1) Delhi - BJP got maximum seats but fell short of majority as people thought of giving chance to AAP. This was Delhi public blunder as Kejriwal formed a government for only 49 days with Congress help and ran away when the time came to deliver. Thus, this nonsense secular idea boomeranged. Thus, Delhi public has been let down 2) Chennai - Jaya amma was the CM till she was convicted of corrupt monies. Thus, Chennai public have been let down. 3) Kolkatta - Mamta was made CM and she has proved a bloody novice in messing up things. Her and party members involvement in Saradha scam and lo today the news item that one of her party member is linked with Al-Qeida terrorist has put Kolkatta citizens to shame for voting her. Thus, Kolkatta public has been let down by this shameful secular lady. NB: Thus, this secular idea does not work and is a big let down. Now Mumbai and Maharashtra turn. All eyes on that. Public must give a majority to one party. Therefore, Mumbai must be an exception to the track record of other metros and ensure that they are not let down by giving a fractured mandate. Maharashtra needs big growth which did not happen in the past 15 years. Lot of major incomplete projects. Authority and responsibility go together. Thus, my appeal to fellow Maharashtra public = Give majority to one party and no coalition and fractured mandate. What say friends ? If you agree the hit like.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 17:33:00 +0000

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