Friends with kids! There is a really great camp happening in - TopicsExpress


Friends with kids! There is a really great camp happening in Edmonton at the end of July (that Ill be helping out with!). Check with me or follow the info links for more details and to sign up your young ones: INFO: Culture Kids is an experiential based summer kids camp which blends permaculture and the rediscovery program. Permaculture addresses the way we live on this planet in a graceful and healthy way, respecting the plants and animals around us, and leaving the biosphere in a more productive and healthy state than we found it. The Rediscovery program is a camp which is designed by the Indigenous Elders of Haida Gwaii and is described on their website as “Drawing on the teachings of Indigenous peoples and the wisdom of the Elders, with a philosophy of love and respect for each other and the earth, Rediscovery seeks to empower youth of all ages to discover the world within themselves, the world between cultures and the natural world. ( Culture Kids goal is to create a safe space for children to re-connect with nature and each other as well as cultivate growth in mind, spirit and ecosystem through permaculture and the games and activities of the Rediscovery program. (culturekids.squarespace/) July 28 – August 1st at Prairie Urban Farm, Edmonton AB Prairie Urban Farm is a community urban farming project run by the University of Alberta in Edmonton. The farm runs workshops on permaculture design as well as hands on skill learning such as planting and mulching.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:14:00 +0000

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