Friendship, A Product OF Choice Not Force! Birds of a feather, - TopicsExpress


Friendship, A Product OF Choice Not Force! Birds of a feather, flocks together. Show me your friend, I WILL TELL YOU WHOM YOUR ARE, not by prophesy but by your choice of friends. I have heard some christain folks sometimes use the word, I can make friend with anybody I cant be influenced. Well if you are among those that use this word I disagree with you. That is self deception. Why? YOUR FRIENDS CANT BE BAD AND YOU GOOD, never! Even scripture says in 2Cor 2:14... What fellowship has light with darkness? ... For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? ... Do not come into close association with unbelievers... Verse 17 says... come out from among them and be Ye separated unto me. You are not a Muslim but during Salah you celebrate Salah and even collect Salah gifts from Muslims, that is absurdity and stupidity in the highest order. Do muslims celebrate Chrismass? You just came out of the world and majority of those you relate with are either unbelievers in the world or unbelievers in the church. The major problem we have in church today is that we have folks who are out of Egypt but Egypt is not out of them. They still have flare for the things of the world. If you must go far in destiny you must be careful in your choice of friends. You must let this settle in your spirit that everybody cannot be your friend, never! Friendship is by choice not by force. Be selective in your choice of friends. Blessings!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:24:51 +0000

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