Friendship – one of life’s greatest gifts True friendship is - TopicsExpress


Friendship – one of life’s greatest gifts True friendship is of great value and a friend’s earnest counsel and input causes the heart to rejoice. As Emerson once said, “A friend is before whom I may think aloud”. We all need friends. Life would be pretty dry and desolate without them. There’s not much in this world that is more satisfying to us as human beings than true friendship. One of the greatest challenges that we men face is our inability to let other men into our lives in a meaningful way- man to man friendships. We’re afraid to be real in our relationships. We hide. Unwilling to let others see who we really are…we wear our favorite masks. Thus our ability to develop true friendship is negated. And yet it is in our openness and transparency that we become authentic; and it’s in our authenticity that we substantiate our manhood. Man to man friendship is not really necessary…we’re in control. We’re supposed to be strong. So vulnerability is not an option for us. Transparency goes out the window and so does our soul, because we run around trying to be someone we’re not. Playing the role, the one that will get us the girl, the one that’ll prove to others how much of man we are…in the meantime we lose ourselves. We’re actors playing our parts; salesman, football player, banker, strong man…macho man. Tough guy, ladies man…anyone but who we really are. Usually doing things that we really don’t like or care about. Until we get off the stage we can’t really find real ourselves. We need friends with whom we can be ourselves.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 14:59:18 +0000

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