From 1 January 2014 up until today, you are still there and your - TopicsExpress


From 1 January 2014 up until today, you are still there and your life is still the same - Why? You want to enter 2015 just the same simply person you were; arent you crazy? Why keep on waiting seeing this 2014 is almost finished? What are you now afraid of in these 2 days left to Cross Over? Know you not that your aspiration is greater than your fear, your potential is more massive than your distractions, your frontal vision is far more valuable than the images in your view mirror. Procrastination is not doing your inspiration a favour. You could stand dilly-dally forever, or you could dive into the future and taste a different flavor. “You have stayed long enough at this mountain,” God said. “BREAK CAMP and ADVANCE.” Deutoronomy 1:6 Mount Sinai is most famous for God’s presentation of the law of Ten Commandments, along with many other rules and regulations that He knew the people needed. After they had been thoroughly instructed, He told them it was time to BREAK CAMP and ADVANCE... Yes, the year 2014 is almost finished and has been spent but that is not something to worry about because like the Virgin Mary who gave Birth to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Virgin 2015 just around the corner shall bring forth for you ALL the Goodies and Cookies of the Heavens above in Jesus Christs Name according to His Riches. The Thunders of Mount Horeb, (Problems and Heartaches of 2014) soon, in less than 2days, will be History. Break camp and cross over to new hights of Faith in Jesus Christ your ertenal life giver. Alluta continua! There is NOTHING to wait for here! BREAK CAMP and ADVANCE!!!! Waiting for here, there is NOTHING!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 07:50:47 +0000

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