From 12 years ago: When I called my family Tuesday night I talked - TopicsExpress


From 12 years ago: When I called my family Tuesday night I talked to each of my kids about the terrorist attack. My two teenagers, Matthew & Kathleen, had an appreciation for what had happened without being melodramatic. I was not sure about what nine year old Maryellyn would say. She is the melodramatic one who resists all change and has the greatest empathy among my three children. Maryellyn even cried when we got rid of our old refrigerator. So I was somewhat concerned when I asked if she had watched the news reports. “Yes” she replied. What do you think about it, I asked. “Daddy, did you really see it happen?” Yes, I saw everything after the first plane struck. “Cool!” she replied Needless to say I was a little surprised by her response. I expected tears for the victims, or even calm indifference for something that didn’t affect her world, but never “Cool!” At the time I attributed it to the attitude of a nine year old who only knew that her father had directly witnessed a historic event. I thought she didn’t really appreciate what had happened and that if she did her answer would change. Maryellyn, I was wrong, it is Cool. In our church we use a phrase, a litany (if Baptists have such things). “God is good...all the time. All the time...God is good.” We generally use the phrase in worship or when we are particularly joyful, to acknowledge God’s bounty. It is not just about God being good but also doing good to a sinful mankind. If we believe that God is good, all the time and that All the time, God is good. Then we must believe that God is sovereign, and sovereign all the time. For how can God be good and do good all the time unless He is sovereign and able to ordain that He is good and wills to do good, all the time? “All the time” means that nothing can interfere or change His desire for our own eventual good, not this world with devils filled or earthly powers or the prince of darkness grim can change God’s character or will. This is our joy. This is why in prosperity we praise God, in turmoil we praise God, in joyful celebration we praise God, and in the midst of pain and grief we praise God. I don’t know how God will use this but He will use it. Look at what has already occurred, a public acknowledgment of prayer in our government, a sense of unity among our nation, a president who speaks openly of his faith. All things work together to God’s glory, even this crime. And that is Cool. God is sovereign...all the time. All the time...God is sovereign.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 12:29:18 +0000

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