***From A Reader*** NO BASHING!!! I am writing this because I - TopicsExpress


***From A Reader*** NO BASHING!!! I am writing this because I hear the same thing over and over again from various people! Youre mean, youre vindictive, youre immature, youre a bully, and so on and so forth. Yes, I am a wife who exposed their HW. Yes, I blasted her and made her life hell. What all you people who have called me those things listed above are not aware of is how much of a living hell she not only made my life, but my childrens life for two years. What if I told you she continually contacted my husband even after he asked her not to? What if I told you that she had her own mentally handicapped daughter arrested so that she could see my husband at work to weasel her way back into his life? What if I told you that she took personal information regarding my childhood and posted it on a public website first? What if I told you she keyed my car because my husband wouldnt leave me for her and she was getting desperate? Yes, she did all those things! She sent me every detail of all the things they talked about while they were together. She told me how bad of a wife I was and how she deserved him more than me. Have you ever watched Fatal Attraction? I was waiting to see if she would boil my dog in a pot... So finally, I stood up for myself after she did all that to me and exposed her... You can call me all those names listed above but you will never know the pain and anguish she caused me and my family. You will never know the lack of respect she has for others and herself. You can say, but she doesnt owe you anything (yes I have heard that too) but what if I said she does owe me something? She owes me RESPECT as a fellow woman. She owes me the basic things that my mother taught me growing up ... to care for other peoples FEELINGS and to treat them how I would like to be treated! She does owe me she OWES ME BACK THE TWO YEARS OF MY LIFE THAT SHE MADE MISERABLE!!!! End of rant!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:55:06 +0000

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