From Andrew Collins More on Neander Hybrids and the Native - TopicsExpress


From Andrew Collins More on Neander Hybrids and the Native American Cosmologies.......these myths and traditions were of Paleo-Asiatic origin. In other words, they existed first on the Eurasian continent during Paleolithic times and were then transmitted to the American continent by incoming peoples prior to the sinking of the Beringia land bridge sometime around 8500 BC. Even more incredible is that there is now DNA evidence to back up this line of transmission from Central and Eastern Asia to the American continent. Moreover, at least some of the Native American elite groups that preserved this knowledge were of exceptional size, as much as seven and a half feet tall, and derived most probably from populations previously existing on the Eurasian continent. I then looked into the matter of who exactly these individuals of exceptional size might have been, and found compelling evidence that they were human hybrids, most likely an admixture between the recently discovered human sub-species known as Denisovans and Archaic Modern Humans (anatomical evidence of Denisovans was first found in the Denisova Cave within the Altai region of Siberia in 2010). In conclusion, it would seem possible that Native American star myths involving the Milky Way as the Path of Souls, and Cygnus and Orion as gateways to the afterlife, might well have been carried on to the American Continent in Late Paleolithic times, ca. 15,000-8500 BC, by groups that included human hybrids of exceptional height, who were also of quite striking appearance. All of these findings and conclusions are outlined in the foreword and afterword to Greg’s book (my contribution amounts to just over 12,000 words in all) the full title of which is Path of Souls: The Native American Death Journey: Cygnus, Orion, the Milky Way, Giant Skeletons in Mounds, & the Smithsonian. It is published this month by Archetype Books of Memphis. If you want a copy, I am selling copies signed by both Greg and I from my online bookstore at the following link: andrewcollins/page/books/path_order.htm
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:04:28 +0000

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