From Ann Powers interview with Bruce Springsteen on NPR: Bruce: - TopicsExpress


From Ann Powers interview with Bruce Springsteen on NPR: Bruce: Somebody asked T-Bone Burnett once what was rock n roll: Daddy, you know, somebody crying, Daddy! The whole sons and fathers thing — itll never stop. I suppose its somewhat boring at this point in time but the bottom line is it just is. Funny, when I went to work, you know Ive said in the past, what did I do? I put on my fathers clothes, really. I didnt put on my clothes. You know, when I began to craft a larger image than the one I started with in the early 70s, I very much crafted it. I used to have a funny dream, you know, where I would be in the audience while I was playing and I would somehow end up wandering down the aisle and I would come to my fathers seat. And he would be sitting there with my mother alongside of him and this would be in the middle of the arena while the show was going on and I remember kneeling down and I would say, Dad, I would point and say, Thats you. Thats you. I said, Thats how I see you. Ann:I love the dream aspect of what you do. And Im wondering if you can talk about the role of what dream and fantasy play in what you do. Bruce: Its everything, of course. I mean, thats all were doing, really, were living in the world but its all sort of dreams and its all illusion. Its theater; its not real. Were making up stories, you know, and people tend to run into you and believe you are your characters. And I suppose the funny thing is the longer you go, you do become sort of some version of them. You both diverge from them, you know, you live, but you also permanently inhabit that geography and that mental space and so you do morph a little bit. We do become what we imagine. And certainly this was the place, America was the place where you go and do that. And I mean really, my thing was very, very new. The characters in my songs were really my fathers life. I mean, its not my life. My life was, it was Inside Llewyn Davis with a happy ending, you know. I was, you know, I was that guy.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:29:24 +0000

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