From Archangel Raphael via Earth-Angel Ian. Message delivered: - TopicsExpress


From Archangel Raphael via Earth-Angel Ian. Message delivered: Humans need to pay attention to answers to the mystery of Life all around them each day that are begging to be noticed. Is there another Human near you? Because looking at Humans needs analysing more than just seeing a pretty or Handsome person. There is the most complicated ‘machine’ ever known and an example physically and emotionally that will never be beaten or simulated cell for cell. You have the Auras, Estoric and Egoic, a soul and even the greatest known Earth minds cannot demonstrate to you the ‘whoosh’ moment as something or someone starts that heart of the Human in the womb. Ok…You try to copy the body but it is a changing body that changes all the time more than one step ahead. This is because of one thing…EVOLUTION. Evolution has kicked Karma into touch and Karma is no more but you need to pay attention to evolution. You all have items or rubbish you discard and the Human body (garment for the soul) is exactly the same. There is more you could name but as example take the Appendics as our discarded part. Put there for digestion of Grass and Plants and it became redundant with the coming of Farming methods and food. Meat or bacteria enter this ‘Forgotten Stomach’ and the illness Appendicitis begins. Wheat intolerance because originally Man did not eat Wheat and Gluten is another. Evolution made a large amount of Humans tolerant to Wheat by including Villi on the small intestine but some are born without Villi or damaged Villi. They have the original stomachs that did not evolate. So where are we going with this? The Human Mind, Soul and Spirit..that is where. Evolution sometimes places Humans before ‘their time’ These people manifest as the Disabled, The Mentally Ill, Long time illness,those that man, and man at the same time making our creators angry at this, have thrown these people on the scrapheap with a label of being a burden of life, but they are more ascended than we could imagine! Try to think about it..It could be Argued that Stephen Hawkins world- wide known, is likely in the top 3 most intelligent persons in the world. We faint trying to understand what he tells us, his mind is from the future, its power a 100 times much powerful than all the computers in the world put together..Yet this highly intelligent Human Being cannot even pick up a spoon to feed himself. At his level only the Brain needs feeding! There are many like Hippocrates, Di Vinci, Van Goth and Einstein so amazingly intelligent and way above their time in history, who suffered some disability, long term illness or Mental Illness! If you can accept there are creators then you should have faith the creators do not make mistakes. Another fact which is beyond argument but not given the praise they deserve is the inventor. All these people had Higher Conscious and Mental ability to make the impossible…possible! Look around you for 10 seconds and the amount of inventions to make earthly life possible to the comforts you enjoy a reality. We have only been using flying for a 100 years and until the 1960’s if something was thought impossible and never to happen we would use the phrase “that would be like a man walking on the Moon”….In 1969 we all watched Neill Armstrong dance along on the Moon’s surface! Now we are learning that Star people and Cosmic beings exist. (September 2013 release of proof of UFO’s and Extra and inter Terrestial beings by USA ,Russia, UK, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia) They accept now proven by Space Satellite, Acoustics, sightings, contacts, that other planets able to support life exist moving around distant Stars as you do the Sun. If God made us..why not others? Open your minds. Is this where Angels come from? It is the Conscious, Soul and Spirit that is meant to experience this Earthly experience, not the body..the body is like hiring a car to get around while on holiday. It carries our Conscious, Soul and Spirit until it gets too old that it is not roadworthy and it is scrapped after it died. The Conscious, Soul and Spirit then either go home or get a new car to carry them about (reincarnation or another life). The Conscious, Soul and Spirit live on for eternity whilst the ‘carrier’ has long gone. Even the awaiting to be born child has a ‘carrier’…it’s Mother. Sometimes God will place a hand-picked Angel of Beauty to deliver a message then take that Angel home after just a few years or a few decades, we are sorry for that but please remember those parents or families were hand- picked because these ‘special ones’ are so precious to God…it is like you lending someone an irreplaceable treasure that has been so close and so important to you, you will want it back to shine again in your Garden of Creation without damage. You can see from these words above that those enlightened choose to live their lives in simplicity. You can see why all the famous prophets lived in simplicity. They understood the only attachments needed to live this life are things related to higher conscious..they feed that conscious, Soul and Spirit. There is a place for material wealth which is mainly the measure used by the Divine to see if we want Spiritual Growth or Material Growth. Sadly in many cases Greed and more than you need to live comfortable and not sharing will be seen by the divine as you not being ready to ascend to a higher conscious as you place being known as wealthy over being Spiritual. The secret of life and your journey is Nirvana, Heaven, whatever you want to call it but when there, at the end, not the interims that exist, but the final destination all there is Vibration and sound and beyond that only what has been chosen for the vibration and sound to materialise. On this Earthly journey the Evolution will slowly alter the Human Body, adding or detracting to the demands on it. We need a thumb (the most important) and 4 fingers to grasp something. But one day and there are examples today, the Thumb and all fingers will not be needed when we move things by Acoustic energy as we progress towards the future, why have legs? We will tele-transport or use sound, why arms at all, why a tongue when we talk Third eye to Third eye? Why a Stomach when we do not need fuel to run or walk or go somewhere? And it goes on and on. Being disabled, long term illness or Mentally ill is not a result of having done something wrong in a past life. It is as a result of being at a certain level of Ascension…You were born with limbs and things not needed in higher intelligence just as that Appendics was not needed when we stopped eating Grass, and serving no use. It is on a sliding scale..a man with one eye was born that way because he can use his third eye. A Dumb man because he had limited telepathy powers, the Mentally ill person because they have enhanced senses too tiring for the limited body or Mind. Did you know the Native Americans universally accepted as Spiritual, considered having a Mentally Ill person in their tribe lucky? They did every chore for the person they held in esteem…he could see visions and intelligent things that over the most of the world got that person locked up! The level of ‘mental illness’ is determined by the level of ascension. Why do you think there are so many ‘wounded healers’…because their mind has outgrown some part of the body and they suffer. This also explains getting less mobile and mentally ‘incapable’ as Man and Woman when you get older. You are at your most wise you have ever been…again Native Americans and Amazon Tribes revered their elders. They could not run a 100 yards but they sure had a lot of wisdom and wisdom can be the nutrient of the higher Mind. It is time to think outside of the box, it is time to meditate, it is time to show respect, it is time to accept, it is time to start studying and researching, it is time to include disabled, long term ill and mentally ill into your communities and throw out those fears. Autism, ADHD, Motor Neurone Disease etc…..they must all be shown and given respect. Do yourselves a great justice and sit down and discuss, bring out examples that fit in with what has been written. You will find this is not so far fetched as first seen. We have been given the most perfect tools for a spiritual journey to a higher conscious…Love, Compassion, Tolerance and Forgiveness…Use them, use them daily or hourly but just use them. I told you that your Mind, Soul and Spirit will never die and that is why we gave powers to Light-workers in name of gift from A to Z, those that can cross dimensions, reach Stars, reach us the Angels, Healers of emotions and pain, Soul teachers, Past life, we gave so many..use them and know God is behind all..a final tip?...Go speak to the elders of Native Americans, the Hindus and Arabian will learn much. Raphael via Earth-Angel Ian PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 19:17:43 +0000

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