~From Barry Secrest The wealthiest family in the world, the - TopicsExpress


~From Barry Secrest The wealthiest family in the world, the Rothschilds, laid the cornerstone for the New World Order on May 2nd, 1776...they have been gathering wealth and power ever since.~BLS ____________________ The British royal family is the biggest welfare case in the UK. Of course Prince Charles is going to like socialism. All monarchs do. Its how they survive. -Rush Prince Charles has launched a blistering attack on free market economics - calling for a radical shake-up of capitalism to save the planet. The outspoken royal said societys current operating model was destroying the environment and should be transformed to tackle the growing threat of climate change. Charles, 65, urged some of the worlds most powerful business leaders to make unpopular decisions or risk bringing us to our own destruction. He was speaking at a conference on Inclusive Capitalism at the City of Londons Mansion House yesterday, to a group of financiers estimated to control around £18trillion between them. He said: Either we continue along the path we seem collectively determined to follow, apparently at the mercy of those who so vociferously and aggressively deny that our current operating model has an effect upon dangerously accelerating climate change - which I fear will bring us to our own destruction, or we can choose to act now, before it is finally too late, using all of the power and influence, sustainable and resilient society. There will, of course, be hard choices to make, and, take it from me, in the short term you will not be popular with your peers, but if you stand firm and take the kind of action that is needed, I have every confidence the rewards will be immense. Lynn Forester de Rothschild, chief executive of investment company EL Rothschild, said after the speech that Charles was thinking about the proper role of business in society 30 years ago. She added: Many of us woke up with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 22:00:15 +0000

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