From Bhakti Ananda Goswami: (Just edited and expanded for - TopicsExpress


From Bhakti Ananda Goswami: (Just edited and expanded for public posting) Hare Krishna! Hare Rama! Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga ki jaya! Srila Prabhupada ki jaya! Dear Friends ...... Dasi and ......Dasa, Please accept my humble obeisances and forgive my inability to separately reply to all of your excellent questions. Sitting up and typing for hours a day is too painful and difficult, but I am still trying to address Devotees concerns publicly as much as possible. As my body is chronically quite afflicted and I have no help to type, record, post or publish my research, I am unable to maintain any substantial amount of personal correspondence any more. However I beg you to take full advantage of my many Notes and Albums and Comments here on Facebook and my videos and many audio files and pages that others have made and posted for me elsewhere on the internet. As an age 5 polio survivor I now also have post polio syndrome voice and swallowing neuromuscular problems in my throat, so I am not supposed to talk more than a half an hour a day, or I would give you my phone number and call you back to answer your GOOD questions that I have not addressed elsewhere. I have a question for the two of you. Can you arrange to call me (I can call you right back to save you Laxmi) AND RECORD MY ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS, AND ADDRESS SOME OF YOUR STATEMENTS??? This must be done for the benefit of others. These interviews must be posted on the internet. If I take one issue from your above letters at a time and try to limit myself to a half hour on each subject, then your concerns will be addressed AND others will hear my responses. For example, on the issue of Jewish and Vaishnava sacred LUNAR (BAL-YAHU) related time keeping.... The total AGE / YUGA related time span of the Jewish and Krishna-centric Vaishnava Calendar is, according to various versions, only off by from about 100 to less that 50 years in 5,000, dating from the estimated time of the Bhagavad-gita, AND there are connections between the keeping of EKA-DASI and DVA-DASI as well as the Friday-Saturday SABBATH and other sabbaths ALL RELATED TO THE FACT THAT LORD NRSIMHADEVA as ARI-YAHU or ARI-EL Was and Is HAREYAH as YAHU-TZABAOTH the LION OF JUDAH! It astounds me that after more than 40 years of my shouting this from the rooftops, most ISKCON related Devotees still do not have a clue about this profound truth. That is how opposed some of the leaders in ISKCON have been to accepting the FACT that Yahu-Tzabaoth the Deliverer of the EXODUS was and IS STILL Sri Krishna-Vishnu as KALAH in His Bhagavad-gita Theophany. The entire Exodus Story is another version of the Gita Great War Lila, with the One True God delivering His Great I AM Self-Revelation to Humanity! Didnt you know that Saturday Sabbath keeping is sacred to Lord HAREYAH / AREYAHU Nara Hari all over the East? Why is this truth being kept from the Devotees of the Lord? It is because of deeply entrenched NEO-GNOSTICISM in the Movement. The ancient Gnostics imagined that the God of the Jews was a malevolent astrological Planetary Regent that they wrongly identified with the Zoroastrian Personified Evil AHRIMAN, the Roman Saturn and the Greek Kronus. Thus the Gnostics hated the Jews and the early Apostolic (cCatholic) Christians and all down through history they have perpetuated the horrific and humanity-dividing and destroying LIE that the God of the Jews (and Africans, and Greek Monotheists) was a malevolent, evil Entity! The New Age Western Occult Tradition (WOT) Neo-Gnostics today are still aggressively promoting this lie against God and His Jewish (and related Catholic Christian etc.) Devotees. Thus the only Jesus that they will promote is their Aryan Race Savior Hindu or Buddhist Jesus, who is little more than a poster boy for their occult doctrines, which are often mayavadi, and Christian vegetarianism. Ask yourselves, why do ISKCON Devotees not know that the Jews God of the Exodus Story and His Sacred Saturday Sabbath is Lord Nara-HARI as ARI-YAHU or ARI-EL the Lion-Headed Lion of Judah? Why are the Leaders of ISKCON not proclaiming this all over the World and unifying the entire human family, East and West??? Why do ISKCON-related Devotees NOT KNOW that the mystical CORE of the Judeo-cCatholic Tradition is the SONG of SONGS Bridal Mysticism of RHODA-KOUROS / RADHA-KRISHNA on Their Sacred Lotus Isle of Rhodes in the Mediterranean Sea? In the primal Afro-Helleno-Semitic Monotheism of RHODA-KOUROS, Lord BAL (YAHU) as the Original Greek Dionysos and African Osiris (Ausu or Ausar) was Their One and ONLY Supreme Hierophant Priest, the Sole Master and Initiator into Their Divine Love Mysteries! The Semites considered BAL or YAHU to be the Alter-Form and the Incarnating World-saving HERO-SON of their Supreme Father God, ELI! None come to the Father, ELI /HARI except through, with, in and by the SON, YAHU, YAHU-SHUA / IASAS / JESUS CHRIS, BAL-YAHU as the Cosmic YAGNA Purusha, Yupa Dhvaja. Why do Vaishnava Devotees NOT KNOW that TULASI (Hyssopus, the Sacred Labiate Family Herb of Immortality including Basil) was Sacred to the Afro-Helleno-Semitic God of the Jews, and to God, Jesus and Mary of the cCatholics? As the World Saving Great Physician, the Greek Devotees of Rhoda-Kouros called the Semites BAL (YAHU, VASUdeva, Vishnu) Asclepios IASAS. IASAS is KNOWN by linguists to be cognate with the Hebrew Name YAHU-SHUA, in English JESUS. Why dont ISKCON-related Devotees know ANYTHING about the Hidden Incarnation of Lord Ananta Baladeva as this same Wandering Medicant Healer, the World-Saving Great Physician CHARAKA??? Lord Baladeva as the World Saving Great Physician, the Wandering Mendicant Healer and Hidden Incarnation CHARAKA was worshiped as IASAS Asclepios and Serapis, Aesculapios, Eshmun, Agnitas and Yakushi-ji etc. (He had many Holy Names) throughout the Ancient World. All of the first UNIVERSITIES and centers of High Civilization, learning, protection and healing were dedicated to HIM! See my Albums about Him! Study His ancient places of worship like Epidauros, Pergamum, Alexandria and Taxila Gandhara. To the Jewish-related Greek Monotheists, IASAS ASCLEPIOS was DIONYSOS (BAL-YAHU) as the UNIQUELY Incarnate ONLY SON of Rhoda and Kouros / Radha-Krishna! In Egypt IASAS was called SERAPIS and His Temple in Alexandria was where the Greek Version of the Jews Scripture, the Septuagint was miraculously translated. This Scripture is still extant today and anyone may get it and study it in a word-for-word Greek to English Translation. Sadly the study of this ancient and authentic Holy Scripture is being suppressed by fanatical anti-cCatholic Protestants, anti-Catholic Orthodox Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, New Age Occultists and every one else who is opposed to the re-unification of our tragically divided ONE HUMAN FAMILY. In the Septuagint one can clearly see the countless astonishing connections between the Devotees of the international non-racist Judaism of the Era and even the Indian Vaishnavism of the Era. In fact, connections between the worship of Serapis (Ananta Baladeva as CHARAKA) at His Great Temple in Alexandria, and His Jewish related Devotees in Greece, Rome and the Levant are all described. AND the most important THEOPHANY OF GOD IN THAT ERA is described in the Story of how KALKI, KRISHNA and BALARAMA appeared in THEIR GREAT TEMPLE in JERUSALEM to Personally chastise and spiritually convert the Greek Ambassador Heliodorus, who later appears in Indian History as the Devotee of the famous Heliodorus Column!!! Jesus called His Father ELI. ELI (ARI, ALI, ORI, URI, ILU, OLU etc.) is HARI, the Greek Monotheists HELI, the Romans SOLE and Africans HERU, OLU etc. In fact SHIVA was worshiped as a Form of Lord BAL-YAHU as can be seen in the Compound Names of HERU-HOR in Egyptian and ELI-EL in Hebrew. This Name in Sanskrit is HARI-HAR or HARI-HARA, meaning KRISHNA-BALARAMA. HARA is a Name of both Baladeva and Shiva. For THOUSANDS of years HARI / ELI and BAL THEOS / DIOS, BALA-DEVA were worshiped together as Two Persons of the Same Godhead throughout the World. Their Third Person was Their Omnipresent Holy Spirit. Thus in HELIOS worshiping Egypt Their Trinity was HERU-AUSU-ATM/N (HERU-WASU-ATEN in Thebes) and ELI-YAHU-ADON (Adon-Yahu) among the Western (Biblical) Semites. ELI is HARI. the ATM/N Holy Name is ADM/N in Hebrew. ELI-YAHU-ADON-Yahu was / is HARi-VASU-ATMAN. KRISHNA-BALADEVA-PARAMATMAN is historically and theologically the Most Holy JUDEO-cCatholic Trinity. The Hebrew YAHU Name of God is VASU and from this same Hebrew root is YESHI and YISHMA / VISHNU. Thus TOBA-YAHU is VASU-DEVA, as in Egypt at Thebes the Supreme Lord HERU was WASU-DIOS / VASU DEVA. The Hebrew Name YISHMA-EL contains the Hebrew Compound Deity Name YISHMA / VISHNU. That the Hebrew Y and V may be inter-changable can be proven by the FACT that the Hebrew word YEDA / YADA is clearly cognate with the Sanskrit VEDA. There are countless connections of all kinds from thousands of years of historical proof, and the internal theological evidence in the related Bhakti Traditions themselves. I use cCatholic sometimes to denote that I am including those small-c universal catholic Apostolic Mass Rite Lineages which are NOT presently in Communion with the other 20+ Lineages in the so-called Roman Communion. The Roman Mass Rite Lineage of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is only ONE of the original main Mass Rite (Moksha Rtya) Sampradaya Lineages from Lord Bal-YAHU as Jesus Christ. Today this Sampradaya, the Capital C CATHOLIC CHURCH, visibly includes over 20 surviving Apostolic Mass Rite Lineages. However there are SOME authentic Lineages that are NOT presently in the VISIBLE (Capital C ) (Roman) Catholic Communion. These Lineages ARE however still considered catholic and authentically APOSTOLIC by the visible CATHOLIC CHURCH which is always seeking their visible Communion. This CATHOLIC Unified Apostolic Church Communion is only called Roman by some ignorant prejudiced people, mainly anti-Catholic Protestants and Anti-Catholic Orthodox ...and any one else Anti-Catholic and Anti-Christian. In reality the invisible One Holy cCatholic (Universal) and Apostolic Church is inclusive of ALL DEVOTEES OF THE LORD IN THE UNIVERSE, WHO ARE IN A STATE OF GRACE!!! As the Second Person of the Eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Baladeva / BAL-DIOS Alone can reconcile any fallen soul to God. The VISIBLE CATHOLIC CHURCH thus has its essential Doctrine that the INVISIBLE CHURCH in the World is known to GOD ALONE, and consists of ALL those souls who are in His State of Grace. As anyone, even a supposed ATHEIST could actually be in a state of Lord Baladevas unimaginable GRACE / MERCY, the Visible Authority of the Church may excommunicate someone from its VISIBLE COMMUNION, but only GOD / LORD BALADEVA can accept that a soul has desired separation from their relationship with Him. Factually the Catholic Doctrine is that Hell means to be relationally separated from God in Christ, and that only the soul-self can and does cause such a violation of their loving relationship with God! In reality God/ Jesus casts no one out, but souls abandon Him out of their own pride, obstinence of freewill and envy. Please read my Notes, see my Albums and compare all of these things for yourselves. Dr. Acharya Prabhakar Mishra wanted me to tell the whole World these precious truths! He was sure that Srila Prabhupada was pleased with my devotional service and wanted all of these facts to be known, for the unity of all persons of goodwill and the successful prosecution of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitais NON-SECTARIAN HARI NAMA SANKIRTAN MOVEMENT! AMUN AMEN AMIN AUM Hari bol!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:36:49 +0000

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