From BikerBonnies page. Thought I would pass it on. Ive see this - TopicsExpress


From BikerBonnies page. Thought I would pass it on. Ive see this video and article before. I originally started this page to spread some laughter around... but now I find that more and more, there is a reality closing in on not only America, but the entire world which is anything but Funny. I came across a video this morning that at 1st I was inclined not to watch because it is French and has an English subtitle. But I watched and read it anyway, and Im glad I did because it woke me up and brought me back to the seriousness of what is happening in OUR WORLD TODAY. Im going to share this video along with a personal fact and some history I copied from the post of this video. If you Love America, especially if you Love God, Jesus... then you need to not only WATCH and READ this video... but copy and paste the history included too and pass this along. In other words; SHARE! Thank You for visiting My World. FB ----------_-------___ My husband is from Berlin Germany and he says Germany has the same problem as the woman in this video says France has! Where the German police and government turn their heads, the German version of skinheads jump in and fight for the non-muslim Christian citizens! If our American GOVERNMENT does NOT wake the F up NOW and start limiting Islam in the United States... we will be in the EXACT SAME PLACE as France! This young woman is right; THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER!! From a FB friend: I wonder if most people believe that the “War on Terror” began on September 12th 2001 after the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Here is a little history that you probably didnt hear about in school. In 622 AD, Mohammed moved his operation from Mecca to Medina and began the conquest phase of Islam. By 732 AD Islam had captured the entire Middle East, North Africa, all of Spain and the southern half of France. Islam hammered on the eastern European countries for centuries and at its’ high water mark possessed Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia and all the Balkan countries, large chunks of Russia, and had enclaves in Italy. During these hundreds of years Muslim raids plundered those parts of Europe not in their possession in search of booty and slaves. And yes, all those hundreds of years, beheading was one of their favorite means of dealing death. Unknown to the majority of American students are the Great Christian hero’s such as Charles Martel, victor over the Muslims at Tours, France, Queen Isabella whose Crusaders drove the Muslims from Spain in 1492, and Polish King Jan III Sobieski who defeated the Muslims at the Gates of Vienna, Austria in 1683. The Marine Corp Hymn makes mention of America’s answer to Muslim piracy and slave raiding in the part about “the shores of Tripoli”. This war between Islam and Western Civilization has been ongoing for 1392 years. America and the Western European countries seem to be attempting suicide with lethal doses of Socialism and Political Correctness, by pretending that Islam is a “religion of peace”, by allowing any immigration from Muslim countries, by not deporting the Muslims who have infested themselves in our nation, and by financing that infestation with social welfare programs. That money would be well spent if it was invested in arms and operations to drive these 7th century barbarians back into the desert they came from. Here is a video from France. They are further down this bad road than we are. Watching this video gives me hope that perhaps Western Civilization has a new set of Hero’s for our defense. youtube/watch?v=b0OrEvPj3gY
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 23:43:20 +0000

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