From Bill Lough: Over the past month I have spent much of my time - TopicsExpress


From Bill Lough: Over the past month I have spent much of my time reflecting on our efforts to reverse the government’s decision to close Michener. I even made an attempt to put some logic into the government’s illogical arguments. I revisited various documents, news articles, op eds, and letters. I then reflected on the meetings held with various government representatives. My conclusion? None of this makes any sense. I, like many of you, have made the effort to meet and discuss this issue with MLA’s, Ministers and various bureaucrats. What is apparent is that each representative has been given the same talking points as to arguments for closure. One parrots the other. Even the premier herself fails to provide any original thoughts as to why Michener should close. It had been our hope, that by meeting with individual government representatives, we could somehow break through this “wall” of talking points - to have our voice heard. This has not been the case. Rather, this is a government whose elected representatives have been muzzled and have been told to hold the party line. Representatives who in the past have supported the families of Michener, have turned their back on us. How can this be? The process began three years ago with the tabling of the KMPG Report. With it came sweeping changes as to how services for persons with developmental disability should be provided. One of its key recommendations was that the government should “distance itself from direct care management” i.e. Michener. From that point on, our fate was sealed. Promises made as a result of the Moving Ahead Report were no longer respected and the government chose instead to implement a policy of closure. No longer were families included in any discussion as to the future of Michener. Instead, under the guise of the Change Initiative Project, everything we valued at Michener was slowly dismantled. Instead of open and transparent dialogue, the government chose silence. It remained this way until the announcement of closure on March 11, 2013. Through information obtained through various freedom of information documents, it become evident that the government has followed a pattern of deceit and misinformation. What we have now is a government that has lost its moral compass, a government that sets policy without consulting those directly affected. No longer is policy set by those who we elect, but by bureaucrats. Words like “best practice”, “transition” mean little to our families. As my mother would say, “this is all crap”. These are words an attempt to soften the truth – the truth that families are being forced to leave Michener against their will. Let us call this for what it really is - the closure of Michener is about ideology. There are those within the government bureaucracy and special interest groups from outside that want Michener closed. To satisfy their self centered goals, they are willing to destroy the principle of trust that families had placed in their elected representatives. These special interest groups are quick to dismiss years of open and transparent dialogue, where the principle of choice was always respected. Michener is not about bricks and mortar, it is about care. This is what we value and it should not be replaced by an ideology driven by a few. The rights of families must be respected. The question now becomes, what are our options? Do we continue to fight or do we resign ourselves to an ill-thought-out government policy? After six months of meetings, protests, and letters, one can be easily discouraged as to the lack of progress in reversing this decision. This frustration is only natural, but we must remind ourselves that six months is a relatively short period of time in a battle such as ours. Changing the direction of government policy is difficult but it is possible if one is successful in winning public opinion. This takes time and effort but the groundwork has been laid. We must remind ourselves of all the support we have received. We should find strength through the number of towns, city, schoolboard, unions and individuals that stand with us. We should be encouraged that over 20,000 signatures will be tabled on the floor of the legislature as a result. This fight is not over. There are three significant events in the coming months that can make a difference. The first will be the need for the government to ratify PDD service contracts at the end of September. Until this is done, there is a great deal of uncertainty as to how this will affect the ability of service providers to accommodate any individual moving from Michener. Community capacity remains a concern and the government may not be able to provide the supports as promised. The second is the sitting of the fall legislature. All three opposition parties remain united in their support for our cause. Their ability to bring our battle forward on the floor of the legislature will permit our voice to be heard. They will be able to take what we have learned over the past six months and present this to the government for public review. The third is the leadership review of the premier in November. Our ability to maintain a vocal presence at various events leading up to the leadership review may have an effect on a government imposing an unpopular policy. Taken together, these three events could make a difference. In the meantime, re-visit your MLA and let your voice be heard. The government has set its own time line to see that its policy of closure moves quickly and smoothly. Again, we do not have to comply with their wishes. Remember, no one can be forced to leave Michener without a guardian’s consent. Before you make any decision, please take the time to reflect. If you truly believe that the best supports for your loved ones are at Michener, then this should be respected. Delay your decision until you are comfortable with the choice you have made. No one should be forced to leave against their will. There is no reason that the government cannot accept a compromise, and allow the homes on the south site to remain open. Again, the decision to close the south site is based on ideology and not need. Our challenge is not an easy one but it is doable. Its success will be determined by our fortitude and willingness to fight. For this, I am asking two things. First, email or phone me to let me know that you are still willing to continue this challenge. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 403-638-3994. I ask that you do so by September 12th. It is critical we have an idea of who amongst us still wishes to fight. Second, we have arranged for a meeting to be held at Camp L.G. Barnes on Sunday, October 6th, 2013- 1:00 p.m. Details of this meeting will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. In the meantime, stay strong. The future of Michener remains in our hands. The promises made to the families must be respected. We have the right to say no to closure. Take care. Bill.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:37:36 +0000

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