From Brant Hadaway: As Vin Scully used to say (or maybe he still - TopicsExpress


From Brant Hadaway: As Vin Scully used to say (or maybe he still does?), For those of you keeping score at home.... In the Middle East: - Iraq no longer exists, barbarians at the gates of Baghdad; - innocents being slaughtered wholesale in Syria and Iraq; - Turkey refuses to come to the aid of the Turks across the border in Syria; - Turkey - a NATO member, ruled by a sympathizer of the Muslim Brotherhood - refuses to grant us facilities in its territory; - ISIS on the brink of re-establishing the caliphate; - Israel and Egypt both spitting mad at us; - Weve evacuated our personnel from Libya... In Europe: - Putins Russia moves with near impunity through Ukraine, threatens the Balts; - Poland, the Czech and Slovak Republics, and Hungary - all NATO members - are so singularly appalled by our leaders fecklessness that theyve (quite reasonably) concluded that they have no choice but to side with Putin; - Germany still pissed at us; - The Eurozone continues its slide into insolvency; - The UK barely survives a dissolution referendum; - A socialist president of France is making our president look like a pussy on the international stage; - Extreme nationalism is on the rise throughout the Continent; In Asia: - China ascendant, flexes its growing military might with greater confidence, cracks down in Hong Kong; - Realizing it can no longer count on the US to live up to its treaty obligations, Japan shreds its post-WWII constitution and declares its right to project military force beyond its territorial waters; - Were about to bug out of Afghanistan, or so weve told the Taliban; At home: - A stagnant economy, small businesses getting squeezed by regulations, Obamacare; - Obamacare squeezing employees in low-margin industries; - Real unemployment hovers around 10%; - Ebola, enterovirus, CDC incompetence; - Despite the above, illegal immigrants being shipped all over the country, our border is a joke; - Racialist agitators calling for rampant violence when they dont get their way; - A president who not only refuses to adhere to his oath of office to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, but who rewrites the laws to suit his political needs; - A tax enforcement agency that has repeatedly used its power to harass, intimidate, and to silence the preisdents political adversaries; - A Department of Justice that has done all in its power to undermine the rule of law.... Do you feel safer? Do you feel more secure in your career and in your childrens futures? Do you feel like you can start a business and even begin to understand what the law will require of you? Do you feel that our prestige and influence in the world are greater now than in recent years, or at anytime before? Do you feel like we have a government who sees as its primary duty to protect and defend our country and our Constitution? Or do you see a bunch of thugs who hate everything this country stands for, whose primary goal is to fundamentally transform our society so that they can preserve political power and secure wealth for themselves?
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:00:35 +0000

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