From CFACT..... Climate Depot report prods AP to walk back - TopicsExpress


From CFACT..... Climate Depot report prods AP to walk back hottest ever story. Friends, Its not often we get the mainstream media to backtrack on one of their oft-biased stories -- especially related to climate. So when we do, as happened over the weekend, its great to break the news about it! Heres how it went down. As you well know, the theory of global warming is all about computer models. But the models have been projecting a warmer Earth than scientific observations show since last century. Whats a climate pressure group to do? They tried re-christening global warming as climate change, but without warming their argument collapses. They tried pinning natural weather events on free market prosperity, but history and science disprove that easily. Theyre desperate to jump-start the UN climate agreement process, so they switched to labelling the recent years in which temperature has inconveniently plateaued, rather than warmed, as being the hottest. The media picked up the 2014 hottest ever spin and ran with it. Trouble is, satellite data show nothing special about 2014s temperature. The best they could come up with out of the less reliable thermometer data (after tortuous adjustment) was literally hundredths of a degree difference between years, which is within the measurement margin of error. It was all an attempt to avoid stating the obvious: That the global warming pause or standstill continues. NASA admits that (even ignoring their own satellites) the chance that 2014 was hottest ever is only 38%. Most of the press left out these inconvenient caveats, but not CFACTs Marc Morano. Marc reported the facts the warming campaign doesnt want you to know, and the story was picked up and spread. Finally, Seth Borenstein at the Associated Press issued a correction and noted the low probability that 2014 was the warmest and conceded that the hundredths of a degree difference falls within a margin of error that lessens the certainty. Marc has further details as they break at Climate Depot. Count on Marc Morano and the rest of the CFACT team to speak truth to warming power every chance we get. For nature and people too, Craig Rucker, Executive Director, CFACT.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:41:16 +0000

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