From: Carl Paladino Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 9:10 - TopicsExpress


From: Carl Paladino Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 9:10 AM Subject: FW: ACTION ALERT To FIRE John Boehner as Speaker of the House. I agree with Judy. (See email below) John Boehner is an establishment boy who was conditioned to think that you go along to get along. He’s a pro at the Washington 2 step. He was a complete bust on Benghazi never ostracizing Obama for the stand down order, the IRS, (the criminality of which just vanished in the night), the disaster of Obamacare, etc., etc., etc. It’s time for real leadership. Send the establishment gang-led by Boehner and McConnell- packing. That is what the American people want. Grow a set balls. How could any representative of the people give any respect to a President who ordered his military to stand down and leave American soldiers on the battlefield. How can any American family allow their child, father, or husband to put his or her life at risk and feel comfortable with the military leadership. Wake Washington up. If it is to be Jeb Bush and business as usual, forget about 2016. The American people want the lying and scheming Obama politically destroyed. They want the likes of Gruber and the liberal elitist crowd to be gone from the landscape. They want a strong military, respect from the rest of the world and a domestic policy that encourages achievement and is fair to all. They want leadership they can be proud of. __________________________________________________ Subject: ACTION ALERT To FIRE John Boehner as Speaker of the House. By Judy Pepenella We made a change in November in who we sent to DC to represent us, now it is time to let them know we want them to start working. On Tuesday, the House will vote for their leader. We need to NEW leadership and that begins with removing the Gavel from John Boehners hands. Louie Gohmert has stepped forward to challenge Boehner for Speaker of the House. Will this action alert work? Not sure as I suspect the party hacks will stand united to stop any one from taking the gavel from Boehner. We can only try. Please share this information with all of your NY patriot friends. ACTION ALERT to tell our Reps to vote for Louie Gohmert for Speaker and REMOVE John Boehner!!! Louie Gohmert to Challenge Boehner For Speaker Of The House - Congressman Gohmert is the Vice Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. Prior to being elected to serve in Congress, Louie was elected to 3 terms as District Judge in Smith County, Texas. He was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to complete a term as Chief Justice of the 12th Court of Appeals. https://youtube/watch?v=gq7ZHl-INEs& We need 30 Reps to vote for Gohmert to make this happen. 1. Call NY Reps: Tell our NY Representatives that we voted for Change this year and want it to start with a new speaker of the house! 2. Tweeter campaign: Here are some sample tweets to use. We the People want you to vote for Louie #Gohmert4Speaker & put #BoehnerOutTime for Change is NOW #Gohmer4Speaker so we can #FireBoehner! I’m part of the # 60% who wants to #FireBoehner & #HireGohmert! 64% believe Boehner is “ineffective in opposing President Obama’s agenda.” #NoConfidence #NeedRealLeadership #HireGohmer #TakeBackOurGavel It’s time to #FireBoehner and restore the People’s House #Gohmert4Speaker! Its time to #FireBoehner and #MakeDCListen Looking for #29Heros to help restore the People’s House. #TakeBackOurGavel #Gohmer4Speaker Lets give Boehner a “Dear John” moment. #FireTheSpeaker #HireGohmert We are more than a committee seat; we are your constituents who vote. Remember that. #FireBoehner #60% #Gohmert4Speaker 3. Contact info for NYS Representatives: Dist: 01-- Zeldin, Lee---202-225-3826, @leezeldin, facebook/LeeMZeldin 02-- King, Pete---202-225-7896, @RepPeteKing, facebook/reppeteking 19-- Gibson, Chris---202-225-5614, @RepChrisGibson, facebook/RepChrisGibson ; 21-- Stefanik, Elise---202-225-4611, @EliseStefanik, facebook/EliseforCongress 22-- Hanna, Richard---202-225-3665, @RepRichardHanna, facebook/reprichardhanna 23-- Reed, Tom---202-225-3161, @RepTomReed, facebook/RepTomReed 24-- Katko, John---202-225-3701, @John_Katko, facebook/JohnKatkoForCongress 27-- Collins, Chris---202-225-5265, RepChrisCollins , facebook/RepChrisCollins
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:04:37 +0000

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