From Chair Tom Wyrsch and the Jackson County Democratic Committee - TopicsExpress


From Chair Tom Wyrsch and the Jackson County Democratic Committee For Immediate Release: JACKSON CO. DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE RESPONSE TO SB509 TAX CUT PLAN VETO OVERRIDE Kansas City, Mo. - With todays vote to override Governor Nixons veto of Senate Bill 509, the Republicans in the State Senate and House revealed their true intentions to the people of Missouri. Instead of voting to actually stimulate economic growth with spending on our health, schools or job training, Republicans voted to chip away at the foundations of a strong economy. Whether the Republican leadership in the state wants to admit it or not, revenues for governments come from taxes. We then use those revenues to pay for schools, roads, economic development and many other aspects of our state that have made Missouri so strong. By cutting taxes, in a manner that disproportionately benefits the wealthiest few, the Republicans in the State House and Senate are actively doing something far worse. They are not simply cutting, but instead slowly gutting, our schools, our infrastructure and our health. Its time for Republicans in the State Assembly to call their counterparts in Kansas and tell them that one credit downgrade wasnt enough. Now, Missouri would like to join the pool of states harming themselves in the name of corporate enrichment. Said Jackson County Democratic Chair Tom Wyrsch, The lessons from Kansas are clear. The Brownback tax-cutting plan evaporated revenues, hurt schools, hurt working families, and caused the state to receive a credit downgrade from Moodys. Now they will face higher costs to borrow and are staring down the barrel of a gun loaded with self-created economic disaster. If our state really wants to grow and be successful, particularly in regards to the long term, perhaps Republicans in the State House and Senate should consider working across the aisle to help appropriately fund education, infrastructure and health. When Missourians are better educated, better equipped, and healthier than those around us, we achieve more. Unfortunately for us, the opposite is true today. In a misguided attempt to compete with Kansas- confusing since their own tax cuts have been far from successful- for economic growth, Republicans have just led us further down the track in the race to the bottom.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 18:04:44 +0000

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