From Chairman Mike for those not on Google Groups: A brief - TopicsExpress


From Chairman Mike for those not on Google Groups: A brief note. Brenda loved, as we all know, a show, she loved a party and, in her last days typically expressed her wishes for the farewell celebration. Daughter Nikki looks to Brenda’s running pals to help see those wishes fulfilled. As Hastings Runners we’ll not let either Brenda or Nikki down. The ‘formal’ proceedings commence at the Crematorium Chapel at 10.15am but the HR part will begin earlier. Hastings Runners will lead the funeral cortège from around Malvern Way junction with The Ridge and into the Crematorium. Our plan is to split those HR’s able to attend and able and willing to participate into three areas: Runners at a reasonable and respectful pace (i.e. a little less than what might be my normal pace, whatever that is) to run from Malvern Way up the hill and in through the Crematorium gates. Runners who would like to go a little slower or the shorter distance would integrate with and join the other runners around the area of St Helens Middle School continuing the run in through the Crematorium gates. Other HR’s would form a guard of honour either side of the driveway leading to the Chapel door. The finer points of Brenda’s plan include the following: The ‘Malvern Way’ runners will meet myself on the corner of Elphinstone Road and The Ridge at not later than 9.30am before jogging together down to Malvern Way shortly after as a modest warm-up. The current plan shows the cortège arriving at the Crematorium at around 10.05am and thus Malvern Way 9.50/9.55am. Runners will run in front of the cortège leading up the hill towards the school where perhaps easing but without stopping we will be joined by other runners led by Steph Miller, together we will jog the last 2 or 300metres in through the gates. Steph will meet runners for the shorter distance at the same corner of Elphinstone Road and The Ridge at say 9.35am to jog down to the school shortly after. Within the gates of the Crematorium President Paul Cabban will have sought and organised HR’s who are not running and who would like to participate, into a single line guard of honour to both sides of the driveway. If possible the guard should be more or less in place by 10.00am, it will help Paul if all could be around not later than say 9.50am to enable this. The Runners will join the guard swiftly and smoothly if and where opportunity allows. If the two single lines of guard extend the length of the driveway, as they likely will, then runners will continue non-stop beyond the covered area where the hearse will stop. Runners would then form an orderly (?) group in the area beyond the hearse and past the family and other mourners who will have gathered there. The guard of honour will hopefully simply flow into the wake of the cortège. If you wish to let me know if you are going to be part of one of the three areas, and it’s not obligatory to join any group, then please do but it’s not essential. Ideally the guard of honour participants might be wearing a club shirt or club tracksuit jacket, or indeed just clutching and displaying an HR top. The runners, we would ask, to be wearing HR T-shirts if possible. Contact me if you don’t have one. We would ask that runners wear tracksuit legs or leggings and not shorts. This will be a large affair and we should remind ourselves that no matter how much Brenda made us feel individually particularly important and close to her, Brenda’s family mourn her loss even more than we do. If, given so many attending, some of us have to stand afar for the celebration of Brenda’s life, then so be it. After, will see as many as wish meeting at the East Hastings Sea Angling Club, opposite the RNLI, where the bar will be open and a light buffet made available. Nikki and family would like to see as many as possible attend, all are very welcome. Hastings Runners with others have volunteered to provide the buffet and Corrina will by separate posting be seeking help by edible contributions from those who can. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Crematorium parking is tight to say the least and I would ask all runners, being likely the first on site, to drive far up into the crematorium traffic paths to park leaving room for others, perhaps less able, to park nearer the Chapel. Car sharing would be good. Please also be mindful that there will likely be another funeral taking place whilst we are gathering. Likewise afterwards. Flowers and donations. Family flowers only. Hastings Runners as a club will I’m sure be making a donation to Brenda’s desired charities but individuals are invited to make donations to Cancer Research or Demelza Hospice for Children either directly or via Towners Funeral Directors of St Leonards and in the name of Brenda Boyle. The club stages it’s Autumn Seafront 5k from Grosvenor Gardens (9.45am onwards registration for a 10.30am start) on Saturday 15th November. The event is for club members only and free. On this occasion we will be dedicating this run to the memory of Brenda. We will pause to commemorate all that Brenda was to Hastings Runners. The opportunity will be there for donations to be made on the day and all collected will be equally divided between Brenda’s two charities. No mandatory donation but any amounts will be welcome and two HR’s will be available to receive any contributions on that morning. This may also be an opportunity for those who cannot get to the funeral to join together as Hastings Runners and celebrate Brenda. In response to my request for names as to who hopes to be at the funeral I have received to date in excess of 90 HR’s confirming attendance. Thank you all. This is fantastic and doubtless there will be many others, if so please do let me know as an indication of numbers is a great help. This brief note draws to a close. Apologies but there was much to say. Finally, to those coming, spare a thought for those who cannot through other commitments, work, family, etc. They too will no doubt be thinking very much of Brenda. For those of us able to be there, it will be a privilege and honour to be part of the celebration of the life of Brenda. Mike
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 17:49:57 +0000

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