From Chases Guardians Our protests were a success! Dr. Flack - TopicsExpress


From Chases Guardians Our protests were a success! Dr. Flack called us and said, Im on your side, and told us that he wont be circumcising Chase (unless his mother consents, which means NEVER)!!! A huge thanks to all the organizers, protestors and everyone who supported the action this weekend! Well be posting more photos of the protests in the coming days. Our email petition will remain live on our website, please fill it out if you havent already done so and share the link with family and friends: The email petition demands Chases protection as well as new policies and laws to protect children from unnecessary surgeries by requiring the consent of both parents (or all guardians). We hope our protesting, petitioning and media outreach will move doctors to refuse to perform the surgery and, ultimately, authorities to nullify the court order. At the very least, the protests showed that the vast majority of people think Chase should be left alone, regardless of their general thoughts on circumcision. While the protests were successful, unfortunately, we are also at a fund deficit. Volunteers have taken on expenses in addition to devoting countless hours to help organize the protests. Please consider donating to the Saving Chase Public Awareness Campaign to help offset our expenses. Your tax-deductible donations are being collected by Doctors Opposing Circumcision, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 100% of the funds collected go to our Public Awareness Campaign. All of our funds and expenses are being listed transparently on our donation page:… You could also donate to our Public Awareness Campaign fund by purchasing a t-shirt: teespring/SavingChaseCampaign T-shirts are a great way to bring up the issue with the people around you. Its up to us to use our collective power to protect Chase. Dr. Flack backed out, but we have to be prepared to go after the next doctor and the next if the father finds new ones. Please continue to spread the word about Chases story. Were gaining momentum and inspiring hope! #SavingChase
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 02:33:13 +0000

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