From Chille DeCastro I would like to invite you to READ the - TopicsExpress


From Chille DeCastro I would like to invite you to READ the entire Bible-- LINEARLY. From page 1 to page LAST-- Find a Bible that is translated into newspaper format-- so it reads as I am typing now. Dont read this and that and pieces that you were told about in church-- Read the WHOLE book-- as if it were a new book that was suggested to you --- Dont jump around-- page 1 of Old Testament to Page Last of Revelations. If you do this--- youll know why and what you claim to believe-- and you will not write and quote things that you have no idea about. None. You have no clue what the whole chapter is even is about-- just that one lil passage that you learned when you were in 6th grade, that you repeat over and over when your plane hits turbulence and youre SCARED! Right? Me too-- I STILL Make the sign of the Cross when Im scared-- It was transcribed onto my brain -- Its cool -- Im cool with it. But--- God would want you to read it. So-- Im backing up God on this one. READ your book so I dont have to educate you when you write nonsense that you have no idea about. (For example, PROVERBS, you always read a quote about a proverb, right?-- But-- Proverbs is a very short read-- you could read them in two hours -- so, why havent you? But, dont jump ahead-- you want to learn the Bible in FULL CONTEXT-- as it is written) You SAY and claim that youre a Christian. Okay-- then JC and the Boys are upset that you havent read their book-- they EACH have a book in there that they wrote --- so then--- READ IT. And, remember--- NO JUMPING around. Just read it-- as if it were part of a book club reading list, Books to read: THE HOLY BIBLE. I can honestly say that The Bible has had more affect on my life than any other book Ive ever read. Ever. Its not even close. I would have STILL been walking around asking people if they were saved, had I not chosen to dedicate myself and READ the whole book -- It took less than 5 months to read the entire book-- from Old to New to Done. Its not easy-- Kings definitely draaags on and on-- You kinda just start skimming Kings --- And then, The Old Testament is like an overcooked steak-- tough reading. Even if you get a newspaper reading Bible, like I did. The stories dont Change -- But instead of thou or yee it reads You or I -- Its hard enough to read-- get one that reads as close to American Standard English as possible. Dont worry-- theyre all transcribed and converted by the hand of the Holy Spirt--so NONE could be wrong. Just-- Im inviting you to READ a BOOK -- the BOOK you claim owns your soul and EVERLASTING life -- whats 6 months of this life for everlasting salvation? Cmon--- If you have questions or would like to discuss it --- Im here. And-- Ill take the Christian side and share that perspective with you-- Youre gonna find-- some things cant be sugar coated. But--- Invitation is sent-- from ME to YOU. JC is reading this and knows youve been challenged---- What. Are. You. Going. To. Do?????
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:27:13 +0000

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