From Condemnation to Confidence Many of you have been - TopicsExpress


From Condemnation to Confidence Many of you have been condemning yourself, maybe because of some unresolved guilt, maybe because of some unrealistic expectations, maybe both. The Bible says, All of us have sinned and we all fall short of Gods ideal; yet, now God declares us not guilty if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness, freely takes away our sins. (Romans 3:23-24) Would you like to have that burden removed? Would you pray, Jesus Christ, I want to ask you to forgive me for all the things Ive ever done wrong. If something specific comes to mind right now, just agree, saying, Yes, and that... and that... As those pictures go across your mind, say, Lord, I ask forgiveness for that, and I accept your forgiveness because of Jesus Christ. Then would you pray, Lord, help me to relax in your grace, to realize that you dont expect perfection. There is no condemnation in Christ. Youll never love me any more and never love me any less because of what I do. Father, I want to walk in your grace. I want to take off the yoke of guilt and put on the yoke of grace today. Lord, help me to eliminate the negative self-talk in my life. Help me to focus my mind on the positive things. Help read my Bible every day and memorize it and meditate on it. And as I read it, remind me again and again how much you love me. Copyright © 2008-2013 All rights reserved
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 12:08:58 +0000

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